Page 86 of Blinding Echo

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“It’s fifty feet straight ahead,” I whisper, pointing in front of me. Max and Hudson nod. When we have the house in sight, we spread out, surrounding the house.

I search around my spot for something to rest my rifle on. A large rock will work. After setting up and making sure it’s a stable platform, I focus my scope. The smell of pine wafts through the air and I’m surprised I can smell it in the stillness of the air. I’m thankful for the cooler air although the desert air is what I’m used to in these situations.

A tiny drone fitted with a thermal camera flies over the house and Max reports back they are alone in the house. He says Reed is in the living room, Ray in the kitchen. Looking through my scope, I can see Reed through the front window, but I don’t have the kitchen in my line of sight.

Thank god he’s alive.

We stay rooted in our spot, waiting for him to come out of the house or into my line of sight for a couple of hours. Hudson’s stationed at the back of the house, listening. Right now, Ray doesn’t know we’re here, so we have the advantage. As soon as the FBI gets wind of where we are, they’ll surround this place like bees to honey. And people do stupid things when they panic and feel trapped.

“Come outside,” I whisper to myself, my finger itching to pull the trigger.

As the light fades over the trees, the shadow from the old wooden house creeps across the overgrown yard. “Ray’s on the phone,” whispers Hudson.

The front door opening catches my eye.

Reed darts out.

My heart slams against my chest.

He keeps running away from the house, but I keep my scope pointed at the door.

“Come back here you little shit,” Ray screams, chasing him.

I pull the trigger.

One shot to the head.

Ray’s body jerks, his lifeless body falls back against the broken stairs of the porch. Reed screams, running into the woods and I jump up and run after him.

“Reed,” I yell, following the sound of heavy breathing and cries. “It’s Kase. Stop running.”

“Kase?” He stops and I catch up to him. He flies into my arms.

He cries on my shoulder, his body shakes from fear. It kills me he had to experience this level of evil at such a young age. I carry him back to the opening where I meet Max and Hudson. Sirens blare in the background and I know this place will be a zoo in a couple of minutes.

“My mom,” he cries. “Sh-she… he shot her.”

What? I pull back, tilting my head wondering if I heard him correctly. Everly was shot?

I jerk up, meeting Max’s gaze. His eyes shut, and he shakes his head. I stand slowly, afraid my knees are about to give out, knowing he’s not telling me something.

“Max,” I growl.

“We need to go,” he replies and Reed cries harder, so I pull him into me. His head digs into my stomach. “Reed, your mom is okay. She wasn’t shot.”

As his world rights, mine crashes.

If it wasn’t one, it was the other.

“Ellie,” I choke out, finding it hard to function.

Max nods and my mind flashes to the unimaginable. Her lying on the floor, surrounded by blood. I stumble back, but Hudson catches me.

“Kase, she’s in surgery right now.” His words barely register.

Ellie can’t die. She can’t leave me.

“Kase,” Max snaps. “Listen to me. She’s still alive.” Those words are the electric shock needed to jumpstart my heart. I gasp for air, pulling in deep breaths. “But we need to leave. I’ve already talked to the FBI. They’re on their way and they’ll take care of this. Hudson will hang around and wait for them.”

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