Page 55 of Fate Loves

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“Addie, are you okay?” Syd asks.

I don’t answer because I’m not okay. I continue my path, back and forth, taking deep breaths in and blowing them out. I take off my shoes and throw them against the wall. The large bouncer is still not out here, but another one stands to the side, watching me. Breathe in, breathe out. It’s all I concentrate on. I’m safe. He can’t hurt me.

Ten minutes later a cop car pulls up and a cop gets out and walks over to me. Thank God they called the cops. That guy can’t get away with grabbing women however the hell he wants.

“Miss?” he asks.

“Addison Mason.”

“Miss Mason, are you the one who attacked the guy in there.” He points to the club. I’m caught off guard by how he used the word attacked.

“I defended myself from being sexually assaulted,” I deadpan.

“That’s not what he said. He said he asked you to dance and you attacked him out of the blue.”

“That is not what happened,” Sydney sneers and jumps in between us.

“Ma’am, please stand aside,” the cop says as he puts his hand on his gun. I look up for a second. Shit!

I pull Sydney behind me. “Syd, I got this.” I glare at her and hope she listens.

“Officer…” I pause and look at his badge, “…Romero, that isn’t what happened.” I try to sound calm.

“We have other witnesses who tell the same story.”

“Other witnesses? It happened fifteen minutes ago. How can you have already talked with other witnesses?” So much for being calm. This asshole cop is lying, and I’m not sure why.

“Ms. Mason, please turn around. You’re being arrested for aggravated assault.”


“Don’t make me use force, Ms. Mason.”

I can’t believe this is happening. By now the bouncer has come back outside with my friends. They are all freaking out. I have a feeling if I don’t go, someone is going to get hurt. I turn around and put my hands behind my back. I’m facing the girls and most of them have tears rolling down their faces. The cop tugs on my hands more than necessary and I let out a grunt.

“You’re going to regret this,” Syd warns. “You don’t know who she is.” I look at Syd like what the hell are you doing? That is not going to help this situation.

The large bouncer steps forward. “Officer, I can tell you it wasn’t her fault,” he says in a deep voice.

“Well, she can tell it to the judge,” he responds. The bouncer’s expression turns hard at the officer and softens when he looks back at me. I mouth “thanks.” The asshole cop pushes me toward the car.

“Can I at least get my shoes?” I ask, walking barefoot on the cement. Now that I’m able to form a coherent thought, it’s gross thinking about not wearing shoes. He doesn’t reply, just pushes my head down into the back of his police car. By now a crowd has formed and many are taking video of the whole thing. Aiden is going to have a heart attack if he sees that video.

I’m taken into custody at the Las Vegas Detention Center and escorted into a holding cell—at least they gave me some flip-flops—and have a seat on the long bench off to one side. The cold steel hits the back of my legs and I shiver. I pull down my dress a little and curse Sydney at the same time. There is another long bench on the other wall where a woman sits. Must be a slow night for only one person to be in here.

“What are you in here for, hun?” she says, popping her gum.

“Defending myself.” I wrap my arms around my chest. It’s freezing in here and it stinks like urine. I glance down to the floor and can see stains of God knows what. I don’t even want to think what I could pick up with one little swab.

Her snicker makes me look back up at her. “That’s what they all say.” I tilt my head, wondering what the hell she’s talking about.

“I was,” I say.

“Oh, I believe you, sweetie,” she says in an accent. It sounds southern, but not like Texas southern. “I’m just sayin’, that’s the first thing someone says when they’re caught.”

I can’t even comprehend that answer. Caught from what? I look away from her over to the passing guards. A couple of them look over and smile at as they walk by the cell. I roll my eyes and look back to her.

I sigh. I guess talking to her is better than sitting her doing nothing. “So, what are you in for?”

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