Page 54 of Fate Loves

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I don’t have time to resist because he jumps up on a ladder. Whoa! He gyrates against me and flashes me a wicked smile. I laugh at the insanity of all of this. Next thing I know, I’m on the floor and he’s dancing over me, on me, against me. My body starts to tingle from the heat coming off him. Our eyes lock for a few seconds.

“Goddamn, you’re gorgeous. Too bad you’re getting married,” he says into my ear, all the while dancing on me. Wait, what? Do they normally say that kind of thing to the girls? Yes, they do. This is all part of the show, I tell myself. I shrug and smile. “Find me after the show,” he says, finally bringing me to my feet and walking me back to my chair.

Okay, that was not part of the show.

When the show ends, I practically drag the girls out of there before Mr. Hottie can find me. I don’t know if he was serious, but I don’t want to find out.

“I think I need to change my panties,” Syd says as we walk out. “Why are you rushing to get out of here?” She looks at me.

“Did your dancer friend tell you to find him after the show?”

Her eyes widen. “Um…no.”

The girls all whistle and moan. “You guys were hot up there. I felt a little weird getting excited,” Katie jokes.

I whip my head toward Katie. “This does not get repeated to Aiden. Ever. That goes for all of you.” I point to each girl.

“Is your fiancé the jealous type?” Coryn asks.

All the girls bust out laughing. “He is definitely an alpha male,” Syd says.

“Mmm, he sounds hot,” Coryn purrs. I lift a brow to the girl who is still a stranger to me. I don’t know why her comment rubs me the wrong way, but it does. Syd notices my expression and jumps in between us.

“Alright, girls, next stop!” She gestures for us to start walking. She walks beside me and leans into me. “We can ditch the new girls if you don’t want them to come.”

I exhale. “No, they seem fun. I think my nerves are just overstimulated, and I overreacted to her comment.” I look down at her, eyes narrowed. “And you are going to pay very, very badly for that back there.” I point back to the club.

She beams. “It was hot.”

Okay, I’ll admit it. It was a little hot.


The blue ambiance of the club glows from down below. It seems Ryker called in a favor and we were escorted up to the VIP section. Our hands are never with an empty glass either. I’m sure everyone up here wonders who we are. We only have an hour left before we meet the guys at a different bar. I’m excited to see Aiden, put my hands and lips on him. Since we left the Magic Mike Live show, I’ve been horny as hell, and I’m looking forward to our time tonight more than ever.

A remix of the song “That’s What I Like” from Bruno Mars starts to play. “Let’s go down there,” Syd screams, pointing to the crowd. I nod my head and grab her hand.

We tell the other girls we’re going to dance. Harper comes with us, but the other four stay to watch from above. We hang onto each other’s hands, weaving our way onto the center of the dancefloor. I put my hands up in the air, moving my hips to the beat of the music. Syd looks at me and giggles before bringing my hands back down. I feel my dress creep up and tug it down. I mouth thanks. No need to say it, she’d never hear it.

It’s probably the first time I’m thankful I’m wearing just a scrap of fabric. It’s so freaking hot in here. I look around at all the bodies. It’s packed. Sweat drips along my brow. I wipe it away and take a few breaths, blowing it up into my face. I’m not drunk but I’m feeling good. A glass of water sounds great right now, though. I lift my thumb and pinky and do the universal sign for “I need a drink.” Sydney and Harper both nod in agreement.

Harper goes first, then me, and Sydney behind. I have Syd’s hand in mine. When I feel it drop, I turn around. Some guy is holding her around the waist, trying to get her to dance with him. She rolls her eyes and tells him no thanks. When she tries to keep walking, he tightens his grip on her. Come on, fucker. She said no. I walk back and grab her hand.

“She doesn’t want to dance, dude,” I scream and pull her out of his grasp. He pins his gaze on me. His eyes creep down my body and back up, meeting mine again. There’s heat in them now. I shake my head. Not going to happen. We start walking again and the asshole flings his arm around my waist and slams me into his hard chest.

“It looks like you want to dance with me,” he hisses.

“No, asshole, I don’t,” I snap, trying to get out of his grasp.

“I think you do.” He runs his other hand down my side and moves his hips to the rhythm of the song. I take a couple deep breaths, trying to calm my anger. I attempt to move again, but this time he grabs my ass. “Your ass is gorgeous.”

Red. Flaming red is all I see. The stench of cigarette smoke and sweat makes me feel sick to my stomach. I can’t even tell if it’s reality or a flashback. I can feel his hand grabbing my ass. My mind turns off and my automatic defense mechanism kicks in. I grab the hand holding me and ram my elbow back as hard as I can. When he lets go, I turn and bring my knee up to his groin and then punch him right in the face. He goes down and everyone steps to the side. You’d think I would have stopped; he’s down, but the rage running through my veins doesn’t let me. I kick him, making sure to move my pointed heel to his groin area. He screams out in pain. I’m pulled off him by a very large bouncer. Max-sized bouncer. I fight him until my brain kicks back on and I’m able to process the situation.

I’m hauled outside. “What are you kicking her out for? That asshole was sexually assaulting her, and she was defending herself!” Syd screams as she follows us outside.

“Stand there and don’t move,” he demands, looking down at me. I glare back at him until he goes back inside.

I look down at my hand and it’s red and swollen. Shit, that’s going to hurt when my adrenaline calms down. I pace along the sidewalk, my body trembling with anger. I groan a few times out of frustration.

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