Page 9 of Fate Hates

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“I’m on my way.” Sydney knows I need her. If anyone could get me through this fucked up mess, it’s her.

Chapter Four

Present Day

TEARS ROLL DOWN my face as I think back to that day. Devastated doesn’t even come close to how I felt. I couldn’t believe everyone had lied to me. Trust was ripped from me and tossed out that day. It had been years before I was able to trust anyone. Except for Syd. She never lied to me, even if I didn’t want to hear what she had to say. I remember that night when she came and picked me up. We drove out to the country and lay on the hood of her car, looking up to the stars. She listened without ever talking, let me cry, shout, and then cry some more. We ended up pulling some blankets out of her car and fell asleep under those very stars. Sydney wrapped me in her arms and held me.

When we woke up the next morning, Sydney decided it was her time to talk and my time to listen.

“Addie, I love you. You came into my life and I never understood pain until I met you. We were so young when we met. I learned there are horrible things that happen to good people, way more than the Boogieman or monsters under my bed. I can’t imagine seeing the things that you have seen. But I also see the love for you in Amy’s eyes. She is always there for you. She is the most patient person I have ever met. Sometimes I wish my mom was like her.” She giggled as she wiped away her tears. “I love her for loving you so much. She provided a way for you to regain your strength and become who you are today.”

I knew what she was saying was all true, but I didn’t know if I could ever trust Amy again.

Sydney continued. “What you just learned sucks! I hate this for you, but after knowing how your mother was killed and if whoever the heck did it knew about you, I don’t want to imagine what would have happened. I’m being a little selfish here, but if it means that you’re here today because of some secrets, then I can’t say I’m upset with Amy.”

We talked for a long time. Eventually I went home. Amy and I both ended up going to therapy to work out everything that had happened. I think I’ve spent half my life in therapy. It took time, but in the end, I know that the secrets kept from me were necessary.

I’d become mad at the world for my life and at my mom who fell in love with the wrong man—the same man who was ultimately the reason her life had been taken. I was mad at Amy for hiding secrets. The anger wouldn’t go away. Amy felt I needed a release for that anger so she signed me up for Tae Kwon Do. She thought I would also feel a little better being able to defend myself, knowing that deep down I feared someday my father might find out about me.

I immediately fell in love with Tae Kwon Do. I loved the control, the movement, the power. Sparring was the best part. I loved knowing that I had strength within me. Within two years, I had received my first black belt. I continued throughout college, going all the way to my third-degree black belt. In high school I decided I wanted to study criminology. I don’t know if it was a result of watching my mom being murdered or that her case was unsolved, but I was always extremely observant after that. I would drive Amy crazy. A man would walk by who we would both look at and I’d always ask her to describe him. We would make it a game. She would call me Detective Addison. I was intrigued by details and surroundings.

With my newfound interest in law enforcement, Amy thought it might be a good idea to teach me how to shoot a gun. She always had a gun stashed in her nightstand; we lived in Texas so it wasn’t an uncommon thing. People here love their guns.

The first time Amy took me to the shooting range, I was hesitant. It felt wrong holding a gun. They held so much power: the power of life and death. I’d been up close and personal with that power. I didn’t know if I could do it. My hands were shaking so hard, I didn’t hit the target after going through the first magazine. A man standing next to us took interest in my shooting, probably wondering why the hell I was holding a gun. Turns out he was a police officer. Officer Ted Smith. He was extremely kind and helped calm my nerves. He showed me how to stand and hold the gun. When I hit the target the first time, I jumped up and down. Then Officer Ted Smith had to teach me how to put my gun down and not point it at anything other than the target, especially when I was so excited.

With help from Ted, I eventually became very comfortable with a gun. I was also a great shot, so much so that I entered action-shoot competitions. I went to the championships and won first place in my age group. I was a better shot than Ted. He always acted like he was jealous, but I knew deep down he was proud of me. Ted and Amy started dating not long after our first meeting. They hit it off right away. Amy told him about everything, but he never pitied me or felt sorry for me. He was always pushing me to do better. He became part of my life, part of my adopted family.

Right before I graduated high school, Amy and Ted got married. I couldn’t have picked two better people to be together. Two puzzle pieces lost in this world until one day they found each other and fit perfectly. No cracks or bends, two pieces that became whole that day. I loved Ted like the father who I never had. I was happy to leave Amy in Ted’s capable arms. It made me feel better about going away to college and leaving her behind. As much as we had been through those last eight years, our bond was stronger than ever. I chuckle, thinking that I didn’t leave her behind for very long. She begged Ted to move closer to me. Loving that they live an hour away now instead of three, I’m not sure how I’m going to manage being a couple thousand miles away from her when I move to New York.

* * *

My thoughts keep me occupied during my drive, so I end up driving longer than I expected. When I drive past a sign for a hotel, I blow out a long breath, finally ready to relax. I pull off the exit and locate the hotel. I park out front and looking at my map, I’m in a town called Mt. Vernon just a little east of St. Louis. I shut off the rental car and grab my overnight bag. After checking in, I get up to my room and immediately head for the shower; I need to wash away the memories. My memories have emotionally drained me, but I’m starving. A quick search on Google tells me there’s a great Italian restaurant right down the road from the here. Yum.

It is a beautiful night outside. Warm but with a breeze to make it not miserable since it is the end of July. The restaurant is beautifully decorated inside. It’s reminiscent of Italy. Well, it’s what I think Italy looks like seeing as I have never been there. Hopefully someday I’ll be able to go; it’s my number one place to visit on my bucket list.

“Party of one, please,” I tell the hostess as I walk in, slowly inhaling the mouthwatering scents.

She sits me at a table by the front window. It’s perfect. I can people-watch while I eat. People stride along on both sides of the street. Mt. Vernon is a small town and its main street boasts brick roads and small shops. Twinkling lights run on both sides of the street. It’s very peaceful and quaint.

“A beautiful woman like yourself shouldn’t be dining alone,” a sexy male voice greets me, pulling me away from the sights outside as he hands me a menu.

“Well, thank you,” I say, looking up and blushing. Standing before me is a very attractive waiter: six feet, tanned skin, built in the right places, big, chocolate brown eyes, and a beautiful smile.

“What can I get you to drink, beautiful?” His Italian accent sends a little thrill throughout my body. I think I’d like to have a drink of you.

I shake my head at my very inappropriate thoughts. “I’ll take a glass of red wine.” I smile up at him.

A few moments later my waiter takes a seat in the vacant chair across from me. “My name is Marco. Would you like company for dinner?” he asks.

Confused, I look around the restaurant. “Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

“I own this place and I think I need a break.” He shrugs. “Especially when a beautiful woman decides to come into my restaurant and sit by herself.” His handsome face and perfect smile are hard to resist.

“I’m only here for the night. Just passing through town. But if you’d like to join me for dinner, then please…” I signal to the chair he already occupies. He seems innocent enough, maybe a little flirtatious, but nothing I can’t handle.

“What would you like me to feed you?” he playfully asks.

“I love all Italian. How about you surprise me.” I smile and raise my eyebrows.

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