Page 8 of Fate Hates

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After a couple weeks of hearing her at the door, I finally give in. After that we become inseparable.

7 Years ago

I’m so excited! I just turned sixteen and I am getting my driver’s license. My aunt is trying to find my birth certificate so I can go and take my test. She called me earlier and told me she got it out of the safe deposit box that my mom had, which then was given to Amy. I still have no idea what’s in it. Whenever I ask her, she says important documents… I guess things like my birth certificate. My cell phone rings and I see it’s Amy.

“Hi, Amy! Are you almost home?” I ask, anxiously. Not that we are going today to get my license, I just want to know I have everything ready to go.

“Hey, sweetie, I’m almost home. Don’t make plans tonight. We need to talk,” she says. Her tone worries me. She should be happier knowing she isn’t going to have to drive me around everywhere now.

“What’s wrong, Amy?” I ask nervously.

“Nothing. Just no plans tonight. I’ll explain everything later. Love you.” With that, she hangs up.

Hmm… I wonder what that could be about. Then I have a thought: maybe she is getting me a car! She’s trying to trick me. I bet that’s it. It has to be. I dance around the house. Okay, I need to act excited when she tells me so she doesn’t know that I figured it out. I practice my surprise face in the mirror.

Amy walks in the door about a half hour later. I can’t contain my excitement so I run and give her a huge hug.

“What was that for?” she laughs.

“Oh, nothing. For being the best aunt ever,” I reply with the biggest smile on my face.

“Wow. Thanks. I think you’re the best niece, also. And remember I love you very much.” Her reply is definitely not as enthusiastic as I expect.

She walks to the couch and sits down. “Come have a seat with me, Addison.”

My original thought of her giving me a car is starting to vanish. Her voice is very serious. I walk over and take a seat right next to her. She grabs my hands and holds them in hers. Looking at me, she says, “We need to talk.”

At that point my excitement dies because I am positive I’m not getting a car. In fact, it sounds like I’m not going to like what our talk is going to be about. I stare at her, waiting for her to say something. Anything. After what seems like forever, she begins.

“I knew this day would come. You’ve come so far since your mother’s death. You’ve learned to move on with your life. But there are so many things that you don’t know. Things about your mom. Your dad. Me. Please understand that everything that we did, we did it for your safety. And I hope that you will one day see it that way.”

I can’t speak. I’m afraid of what’s about to be dropped in my lap. My world crumbled once, I don’t know if I can live through it again. Amy continues to hold my hands.

“I love you like a daughter. You have brightened my world and taught me so much along the way. I have dreaded this from the first day I brought you back with me, but it’s time you know the truth.” She sighs. “Addison… I’m not your aunt. Your mom was my best friend from the time we were five all the way up to when we were roommates in college.”

Wait. What? How could that be? I have her last name. If she’s not my dad’s sister, why do I have her last name?

“I can see the wheels turning in that analytical head of yours. Yes, you have my last name. Before I explain that, let’s start from the beginning. Your mom and dad did meet in Mexico and had a whirlwind affair. Your mom loved your dad very much, just as your dad loved your mom very much. But… your dad was a very dangerous man. Once your mom found out she was pregnant, she left him. She didn’t want to raise a child in his world. She told him that she didn’t want to live that way, so he let her go. When she had you, she was afraid he would someday find out about you. So we did a closed adoption and I adopted you so no one would ever know your mom had a child. I was never going to raise you, but it was a way to keep you safe. You would have my name on your birth certificate. She had power of attorney, so she was considered your guardian. Of course, she had planned on having this conversation with you herself when you were old enough.”

I couldn’t move. My whole life had been a lie up till this point. There is no fairytale, just made up stories.

“Your mom told me about your dad but never gave me his name or any information about him. I thought it was better that way. She told me that if anything ever happened to her, that I should take you and raise you. I promised her I would. But I prayed everyday that wouldn’t happen. That I wouldn’t need to keep that promise. At first, your mom was very strict about where you went, what you did. But as the years went on, she relaxed. Enjoyed her life with you. Then I received the phone call. The one that I hoped I’d never receive. My best friend had been murdered, and I needed to come pick you up.” Crying now, Amy still holds my hands tightly.

I don’t know what to say. I’m in shock. I didn’t think anything in my life would shock me again. Boy, was I wrong. How many times can someone’s heart be shattered before it can’t be mended again?

I get up to walk out of the house with Amy following. “Please, let me go. I need time to process this,” I beg.

“Addison. Sweetie, I’ll let you go but please come home tonight. Just remember that I love you with everything I am. You have been through more in your young age of sixteen than most people have ever had to endure their entire life. You will get through this like I know you can. You are the strongest person I know.”

I walk out the door without a backward glance and call Sydney.

“Hey, girl!” answers Sydney.


“Addie? Are you there?”

My voice catches with my sobs.

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