Page 46 of Fate Hates

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“That boy wants you bad. Are you going to respond?” The excitement in her voice makes me laugh.

Me: How did you get my number?

His response is quick.

Aiden: Sweetheart, I’m FBI.

I roll my eyes and show Harper. “He’s so cocky.” I snicker.

“That’s what I hear,” she responds, giggling.

“Oh, my God, we are not back to talking about his dick,” I whisper and roll my eyes. We enjoy the rest of our meal and then go do a little shopping after.

“Oh! My best friend, Sydney, is coming to town on Friday. I want you to meet her. You’ll love her. Let’s plan on doing something fun Friday night,” I say.

“Fun! I can’t wait to meet her.”

* * *

Today isn’t quite as busy as Monday was. I’m enjoying the downtime from the hectic chaos yesterday. I was in the lab the entire day. We found some prints that might help us catch a lead on the murders from last week. The FBI is heading the case now, so we’re getting our information together to pass off to them. I’m typing out our findings when Kenlie peeks in my office.

“There are two very fine agents here to see you,” she says.

I get up, laughing, shaking my head. Whenever agents come over to the office all the women gawk. The men in the office always puff their chests out and wonder what the big deal is.

Our offices are set in a square with the lab in the middle, surrounded by glass, and an open area in front of it that we call the bull pen. The techs sit there. When I walk out of my office, Aiden and Damon are waiting for me in front of the bull pen. They are a sight: two gorgeous, muscular men exuding authority by just standing there. It’s funny because I’d heard many stories about these two before I found out who Aiden really was. And the trouble they got into. I’m carrying the folder with all of the information we have collected so far.

As I walk up to them, Aiden says, “Hey, beautiful,” and winks.

I feel the heat crawl up my face and blow out a breath before handing him the folder. “Here is everything we have on the Monroe case.” He smiles at me. There’s an awkward silence. Of course, people are glancing our way. I stick my hands in my lab coat pockets. “Well, if that’s all you need… I should get back to work.” I turn around to walk away.

“Addison, wait.” I stop and turn around. He clears his throat. “Have dinner with me Friday night.” He fiddles with the file in his hands. I’ve never seen him nervous. He’s usually a confident man. Then he flashes his dimples and it makes it really hard to decline his offer.

“I can’t. I have a friend coming into town that day.” I look around as people talk in hushed voices, watching us. Great.

“Tomorrow night then?” he asks.

“Aiden, I don’t know.” I sigh. I hear Damon mumble something but ignore him. “Let me think about it and get back to you.” I’m still trying to figure out where this can even go. And I don’t want to lead him on. He nods his head, so I turn around and walk away.

The sound of a deep, sexy voice singing stops me.

What the hell?

Turning around slowly, standing in all of their sexiness, is Aiden and Damon in aviator sunglasses, singing, “You’ve Lost that Lovin’ Feeling” to me.

And there’s the confident man I know.

Someone has watched Top Gun too many times. A laugh escapes my lips. Everyone who wasn’t already watching our exchange is being drawn out from their office by their singing.

All I can do is stand with my hand over my mouth, which hangs open. Harper comes up to my side and whispers, “Holy shit.” Every girl is glancing from me to the men with their hands on their hearts. Oh, my God.

If it wasn’t bad enough that I have two guys serenading me, now the whole office decides to join in at the chorus. Even Harper. I swear someone is going to pop out with a hidden camera and yell “GOTCHA!” This is insane. CJ, my boss, is leaning in her doorway with her arms crossed. She looks over at me and I shrug and mouth, “Sorry.” She laughs and shakes her head.

When the guys finish, everyone yells and claps. Aiden stands there with his arms open, aviators still on and panty-dropping smile. “Please go out with me,” he mouths.

CJ puts a stop to all the chaos. “Okay, everyone, High School Musical is over. Get back to work. Addison…” she looks my way “…go deal with Maverick and Goose.”

I walk toward Aiden and Damon, and I laugh at CJ’s comment. Damon winks and leaves, but not before he’s stopped by several women in the office. Aiden stands there lifting an eyebrow with a sexy grin that displays his dimples. My breath catches from just that one look. “You’re insane,” I murmur. I don’t know why he has this profound effect on me. I don’t have any control over my body when he’s near me.

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