Page 45 of Fate Hates

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“You want me to do what?” Damon asks in surprise when I tell him my plan.

“You fucking owe me.” I stare at him.

“For what?”


Damon chuckles. “Oh, yeah. That.” He owes me big time. He asked me to hook up with this girl so he could get her hot friend. I didn’t mind helping… she was cute, but holy shit, she was psycho. She stalked me for a year. Like crazy stalk. I’m a fucking FBI agent and I was scared.

“I’m sure you’ll get something out of this, too.” I smirk.

“You’re starting to concern me. You never chase women.” Damon looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“I wish I could explain it. Something about Addison has been making me go out of my mind.” I sigh. “I have all these feelings I don’t know what to do with.”

Chapter Thirty-one

I AM SO excited! Sydney is coming to visit me next week. I haven’t seen her since last Thanksgiving when I moved into my new apartment. I miss her so much. I haven’t had a chance to tell her about Aiden. She’s going to freak out, probably tell me that fate brought us back together. She believes in all that fairytale crap. My life is far from a fairytale. Fate hates me. She dangles things within reach, tempting me, only to pull it back and say “fuck you.”

I push off my couch and wince. I’m a little sore from sparring with Tony yesterday. The hit that took me down caused a nice bruise on my ass. Damn Aiden. His emerald eyes grabbed hold of me, and I couldn’t move until Tony knocked the hell out of me. I need a nice hot bath with Epsom salt for my aching body.

As I’m about to get into my bath, my phone dings. I run to get it just in case it’s work. It’s from a number that I don’t recognize.

Unknown: I grew up in North Carolina

Someone has the wrong number. I put my phone down and sink into my bath. All the tension in my muscles release. My mind takes me back to a bath I took last summer, the night Aiden and I had sex. Goose bumps spread across my body as I remember him drying me off. The feel of his smooth, thick cock in my mouth. His glorious mouth on my clit, tongue fucking me. My body heats up, and I can feel the swelling sensation in my sex. My hand trails down my stomach to my clit. I start to rub, feeling the intensity increase. With closed eyes I imagine it’s him touching me there. I move toward my entrance and insert a finger. I moan. I can feel my orgasm getting close, getting ready to explode. Oh… oh… Jett! I scream out as a rush of heat is sent through my body and my sex pulses around my finger.

Did I just scream out Jett? Oops.

Harper calls me, wanting to do lunch. I dress casual, throwing on some jeans and rolling them up to make them capris then pair it with a white, V-neck T-shirt. It’s a beautiful sunny August day. Not too hot. I catch a cab to our favorite French bistro in Tribeca.

I walk into the restaurant and notice Harper already seated at a table.

“Hey, girl,” I say as I sit down. I grimace.

“I heard you might be a little sore today,” she teases.

I furrow my brows. “Word travels fast. Since when does anyone care about Tony taking someone out? It happens all the time,” I say.

“It’s not that you were taken out… it’s why you were taken out.” She winks.

Was it that obvious? In my mind it all happened so fast I didn’t think anyone noticed. I sure as hell didn’t think everyone would gossip about it.

“Seriously, why is everyone making it a big deal?”

“Girl… everyone sees how you and Aiden look at each other. Brrrrr.” She pretends to shiver.

“Very funny. Hell hasn’t froze over yet. Aiden and I are not a thing.” I’m not sure if I’m saying that to convince Harper or myself. My phone dings again. I grab it out of my purse.

Unknown: I have one sister. Katie.

“So weird.” I glance up to Harper. “I’m getting these random texts from someone I don’t know,” I say, showing her my phone.

“Hmm… I only know one person with a sister named Katie.” She looks at me and smiles at my questioning expression. “Aiden.”

“What? Why would he…” My mouth drops open and my eyes go wide. Aiden. Of course. Harper has a cocked eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. “Yesterday at the gym I told him I was an only child. He was confused so I told him that he wanted to get to know me and then I left.” I shrug.

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