Page 20 of Fate Hates

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Leaning down, he whispers in my ear, “Let’s go before I do something I can’t undo.”

Chills break out all over my body. I almost push him back on the bed and say who cares. Almost. My head wins this round.

He puts his hand in mine where the handcuffs connect us and he leads me out the door. Joe and Bill—I finally learned their names—are standing there staring at us with big, goofy grins. Shit, I’m sure they witnessed our little interaction. I need to remember there are cameras everywhere. I suddenly remember I’ve never been outside this room… well, awake, at least. I look around, taking mental notes of every door, hallway, and window. It’s a beautiful, modern house. I see other men around and look at each of their faces, searching for the one but never finding him. I haven’t seen Travis since this morning and wonder why. Jett leads me outside into the backyard. The backyard is huge but the fence back here is solid brick. There’s a fountain and beautiful trees surround the property. The landscaping and gardens are immaculate and taken care of very well. The air smells of roses. The sunset is the backdrop to a gorgeous, clear night sky. I can’t say that I’ve ever seen such a beautiful sight.

Then reality sets in. I’m a prisoner in this exquisite picture. Jett is watching me take everything in. “What do you think?”

“Hmm… what do I think?” I look at him suspiciously. “Is this like my last meal?” I wonder if he’ll know I’m referring to the meal that a prisoner gets on the night of his execution.

His gaze becomes serious. “Emily, I won’t let anything happen to you.” His jawbone is tense as he pulls me into his body. He leans down toward my ear. “I promise.”

The lock and key protecting my trust breaks open a little. I believe him. I don’t know why, but I do. This doesn’t change anything. I still need to get out of here. Jett pulls me over to a blanket on the perfectly manicured grass. I don’t think I’ve ever seen grass this green. On the blanket are a couple boxes of pizza with a table right next to it and two wine glasses with my favorite bottle of wine.

“Wow,” I say as he guides me to a spot on the blanket.

“I didn’t know what kind of pizza you liked so I got a veggie and a meat one.” Jett sounds nervous. All I can do is sit and watch him. I don’t know exactly what to think of this. I feel like I’m on a royally messed-up date with an amazing guy who makes me feel things I shouldn’t be feeling, yet I’m a prisoner of this house and handcuffed to him. He’s not letting me go or helping me escape, so he’s not much better than Travis. But my body betrays me. I’ve never been so torn internally about how I should feel about someone.

“Don’t overthink this, sweetheart.” Jett glances at me as he fills my wine glass. “I wanted to do something to help you forget about the situation you are in, at least for one night.” He smiles warmly. Damn those dimples!

“So, you’re going to get me drunk? This will definitely help me forget,” I reply playfully, taking a drink of my wine. Jett laughs and shakes his head. The wine tastes absolutely divine. I point to the veggie pizza when he opens both boxes. This is nice. Definitely a good distraction from the prison waiting for my return. I try to ignore the sinking feeling that I will be back there soon.

By the time we are done eating, the sun has finally set and the stars are out in full force. I lie back on the blanket and stare up at the sky. Jett lies back with me and we watch in silence. He entwines his fingers with mine.

I point to the sky. “Look, a shooting star.”

“What are you going to wish?” Jett glances over at me.

“Hmm… let me think about that,” I say sarcastically, looking back to him. Those beautiful green eyes lock with mine and in that moment my wish isn’t to be free. It’s that we’ll meet again when I’m free.

Jett sits up and pulls out his phone. Sam Hunt’s “Take Your Time” begins to play and he places the phone on the table by our half-empty wine bottle. He gets up on his knees, which causes me to rise as well.

“Let’s dance.” He lifts me up with his free arm.

“I don’t think I have much of a choice, do I?” I giggle, feeling the wine’s effects. Already standing with his arm around my waist, he brings my body flush against his.

“Nope.” He flashes a devilish grin.

I put my arm around his neck, and he pulls our joined hands up to our hearts. I can feel his heart pounding as we sway to the music. The touch of his thumb rubbing lightly at my back ignites a fire that quickly spreads through my body.

“I didn’t tag you as a country boy?” I say, playfully.

“There is a lot you don’t know about me,” he responds, peering down at me. We stare into each other’s eyes until I can’t take the intensity anymore. I lean my head into his neck. My five-foot-eight body fits perfect in his tall frame. He smells like spice, woods, and masculinity. He hums along with the song then softly sings about wanting to get to know me. I’m not sure if they’re just lyrics or that’s how he feels.

Holy shit. This beautiful man can’t be anymore perfect. A perfect man who I can’t have. I must have pissed off the gods in another life. He stops singing and hums again. The song ends but another one starts. We never stop dancing; our bodies continue to melt into each other’s. I look up and his eyes trap me.

“You’re so beautiful.” His voice is low and gravelly.

“You’re devastatingly beautiful,” I breathe out.

“So what should two devastatingly beautiful people, who have an unexpected pull that can’t be explained and can’t be together, do?”

“Be devastated,” I whisper.

I go back to my spot, resting my head in his neck. I breathe in a smell that I hope to never forget. He places a kiss on my head and pulls me in tighter to him.

Chapter Fourteen


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