Page 19 of Fate Hates

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“She was having a nightmare.” I sigh. “It must have been a horrible one because she was screaming for her mom not to leave her and to come back.” I shiver, remembering her cries. It was heartbreaking seeing her go through that.

“What did she say when she woke up?” Travis questions.

“Well, that is the weird part. She looked at me with pure hatred. Told me to leave.”

I look at Travis for his take on it, and holy shit, I think I see compassion in his eyes. I’ve never seen anything but cold, hard eyes from him.

“Travis, who is she?” I raise an eyebrow in question. The hardness returns. No signs of compassion anymore. This is the Travis that I’m used to.

“You know more about her than I do. I’m still trying to figure things out. All I’ve hit are dead ends.” He walks over to his desk and sits down behind it. “So we know her name is Emily, she’s twenty, and she’s from Texas. That isn’t a lot of information.”

“Well, I thought I was getting close and hoped I could get more information out of her. After this afternoon, I’m not sure she’ll ever let me around her again.”

“Order a pizza and take her out to the patio. But make sure Joe and Bill are close by. And make sure she knows that if she tries to run, that’s the last time she’s going to come out of that room.”

“So you want me to wine and dine her, huh?” I grin.

“Something like that,” he says, curling his lips.

That I can do. Well, if she wants to see me again. I can’t imagine what I did to make her look at me that way. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. I hope I never see that look of hatred in her eyes again directed at me.

I order the pizza and find the red wine that she told me she liked during our poker game. Out of all the questions I asked, thank God that was one of them because I am going to put that information to good use tonight. I have everything set up on the patio. All I need is Emily. I walk toward her room and start to get nervous. What if she doesn’t want to see me? Shit! Well, I guess I’ll deal with it if that happens. Joe and Bill are behind me, talking shit about how I have the lucky job. We’ll see how lucky I am in a minute.

I lightly tap on the door and open it slowly.

“So you’re knocking now? I’d get up to let you in, but, yeah… can’t do that.” She points to her handcuffs. She’s smiling though. That has to be a good sign.

“I feel I should be waving a white flag. I’m not exactly sure if you want me to come in,” I say, walking into the room just enough to shut the door. I don’t need the two assholes in the hallway listening to our conversation. There is a monitor right outside the room so they can see everything but can’t hear from where they are. I lean against the door with my hands in my jeans.

“Yes, you can come in.” She sighs. “Look, I’m sorry. I haven’t had that nightmare in a long time and it surprised me when I woke up in your arms.”

She stares at me apologetically, but she doesn’t offer any more explanation. I go over and sit by her on the bed.

“I have a surprise for you,” I say. “But you need to understand a few things first: you cannot try and run or scream for help,” I warn. “If you try either, we won’t be able to take anymore fieldtrips.” I smile and wink. Telling her she’ll never leave this room again is a threat I don’t want to make.

“You’re taking me out of this room?” she questions.

“Yes. I think you need a break after the day you’ve had.” I don’t want to say a break from the morning with Travis or the nightmare, but that’s what I’m thinking. “You’re going to be handcuffed to me. And Joe and Bill will be right behind us the whole time.”

“Oh, yay… Tweedledee and Tweedledum get to come,” she says, rolling her eyes.

I throw my head back, laughing. Hard. That was fucking funny. “You always surprise me, Emily.”

I’ve been on this Earth for twenty-eight years and I’ve dated a lot of women, but there has never been a woman who has invaded my thoughts as much as Emily has. Her eyes send an electric shock to my heart, jolting it awake. Her moods pull at the strings of my heart, dictating my emotions. When she’s happy, I’m elated. When she’s sad, I want to hurt someone. How can one woman come into my life for one day and have this much of an effect on me? I know how this ends, and it’s not forever. I need my heart to go back into hibernation.

I walk up and unlock the handcuff and then lock it around my wrist. “Ready?” I pick her up off the bed. When I go to put her down, I slide her down my body. Our eyes never break their connection.

Then she had to go and bite her lip.

Well, if she questions the effect she has on me, my dick just made sure she knows.

Chapter Thirteen

IF JETT HAD any more room for me to slide down his rock-hard body and something else that was just as rock hard, I think I would have orgasmed. Right there. We’re standing there staring into each other’s eyes, inches apart, my body and head struggling internally. I can see the heat and yearning in his eyes. I’m pinned by his stare.

Jett breaks the tension with a low growl. “You ready?”

Ready for you to throw me on this bed and have your way with me. Yes, please!

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