Page 19 of Knot Her Fight

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And then I’m on my knees.

You bow to her, my Alpha says. Only, always her.

I don’t understand it.

Until I breathe, inhaling for the first time since I stepped over the threshold.

Creamy, fragrant coconut. Sticky-sweet fruit, tropical and fresh. Pineapples and mangos. Juicy, with an acid edge to balance the succulence. A top note of sunshine—warmth and depth and gold.

My lungs spasm. Pain and pleasure rip through my body, exploding, imploding. So good and so sharp.

It cuts. And I bleed. And I love it.

I can feel the oxygen carrying her scent, track its path through my blood. Every cell it touches sparks and smolders. Flames. Burns.

Am I ash? Or am I a phoenix?

Panting, my head falls forward. Waiting for her to let me come closer. Wanting to crawl on my hands and knees. Praying to a god I don’t even believe in.

Then I remember—she can’t talk.

As slowly as I can, I lift my chin and find her gaze. It’s green, woven with threads of gold. Like an emerald.

Striking eyes, rimmed by kohl lines, upturned slightly. She looks sort of like a black cat—all sleek and mysterious with those wide, gorgeous eyes.

I’ve spent my entire life asking myself why I’m here. Because wherever I was felt wrong.

But the second our gazes lock, my soul snaps forward.


That’s why.



It’s possible my Omega has a death wish.

Girl, I scream internally, What. The. Fuck??????

First, she decides to come out of hiding just to make me actually perfume for the first time ever and sends a strange alpha into a raging rut that gets us mauled.

Then, she selects this alpha out of the lineup of shirts?

Ma’am. MA’AM.

I’d like to speak to your manager.

Why did we pick him?

He has more tattoos than skin. They absolutely cover his chest. His neck; his arms, hands, shoulders.

Between that and the midnight disarray on top of his head, his face looks like it’s in a frame of black. Which is fitting, since it’s a picture of rage.

Light skin and lighter eyes, flared nostrils, slanting cheekbones, and a tight, solid jaw with a bruise splotched along its edge.

He looks dangerous.

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