Page 18 of Knot Her Fight

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My tank top.

Oh fuck no.

A panicked laugh leaps out of Jonah. “Uh, Arch, I don’t know if that’s a great idea. Our little thundercloud here tends to?—”




What is that?

All of us snap to attention, four sets of focus locking on the open door behind the doctor.

We can all sense the scent swirling around in there. With the neutralizers in the air, it’s just a bit. Just a tease. But more than any of us should be able to catch.

It doesn’t even matter how I’m scenting it, only that I am. I drag more into my lungs and feel everything in me lurch.

Lush and bright and smooth and sweet.

It has the others in an absolute chokehold.

But me?

I’m dead.

Or maybe I was dead, and now I’m alive.

Because I feel everything.

My chest cramps, caving in and staying that way. The fists in my pockets tear through the seams. My cock springs up, hardening along with all of my muscles. They bulge out as my feet carry me closer.


The word cracks out of me without connecting to any of my thoughts. I’m not sure who’s in charge here—my Alpha and I both feel equally determined to find the omega who smells like that.

Jonah’s doctor must value his life because he steps out of my path—only pausing long enough to remind me, “Careful. She’s very upset.”


I think.

Can’t really stop long enough to be sure.

The door falls closed behind me, hanging just a little ajar. I’m lucky I notice it at all.

Because the girl in front of me is unholy gorgeous.

Fuck me hard.

Her black hair looks like a waterfall of ink. Shining, perfect darkness that flows over her back and shoulders like liquid night. Her skin is ashy but golden. Whatever true shade lurks underneath has been leached out by fear or something else. When she hears me, her head snaps up, revealing an oval face and big, scared eyes.

Both of my hands float up automatically.

In surrender.

I’ve never surrendered to anyone. They have to knock me unconscious or die trying. But in this moment? It comes as naturally as breathing.

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