Page 132 of Knot Her Fight

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Because I’ll always have this.

Tonight has been the best night I’ve had… ever. When I think about the evenings I spent at presidential galas, state dinners, exotic, exorbitant restaurants—I’m angry. Furious at all that wasted time. When I could have just been here, with her.

Right in my own goddamn backyard.

That’s where we end up, after dinner and an impromptu driving lesson where I teach my beautiful baby how to drive her new toy. She truly does love it, despite feeling distinctly guilty about loving it.

Which only tells me I need to find more gifts to lavish on her. Until the last of that shame falls away—and she knows she’s worth it.

Once we got home, she asked if the plants she gave me were still alive. When I told her, miraculously, yes, she shyly led me out to her garden to see the rest.

After pulling me through rows of garden beds and pointing out all her favorites, she just keeps holding my hand. I watch the way she bites her lip, luminous green eyes gazing up at the moon.

“Tell me something,” she starts, speaking quietly. “You helped Avery get into the UFC. Got Jonah his shot in the NFL all those years ago. Made sure Spencer had his dream job…”

She trails off, turning to me with an arched brow. “What about you? What do you want?”

My answer is automatic. The one I’ve been giving reporters, my colleagues, and my pack for as long as I can remember. “I want to pass my Omega Workplace Protection Act.”

Serena’s face doesn’t move, but I feel a distinct thud of doubt in her middle. “Hmm… anything else?”

For a second, my mind reels. Aside from my work, and making sure everyone in the pack had what they needed, I’m not sure I’ve ever thought very much about what I want.

The first image that comes to mind is too much. I shake my head, immediately chucking the notion aside; unwilling to even mention it to the omega who’s already given up her whole life because of me.

For me.

Whatever she feels through the half bond makes her eyes soften as her brows lower. “Do you ever wonder what would have happened if we’d met… some other way?”

God. I’ve thought about that a thousand times. Agonized over it.

But at least I have an answer prepared, this time.

“I would have walked out of whatever room we were in,” I start. “To call the guys. I would have told them that I’d found our mate and asked them what they thought we should do.”

A smile tips my lips. “My money would have been on Jonah for a good date idea. Once we’d made a plan, I’d have asked you for your number and begged you to come out with us. Then I would have sent you flowers every morning and a gift every night until you agreed.”

Serena smirks. “And you think that would have worked on me?”

I flash a grin. “I buy very nice gifts.”

Her gaze warms as she reaches up to cup my jaw in her dainty hand. “Do you want to know a secret?”

I step closer, nodding. “Yes.”

Pure sincerity fills her features while trepidation beats through our bond. “You wouldn’t have needed any presents to win me over, Tristan.”

My heart cramps. Air quivers out of my lungs as I drop my forehead to hers and scent-mark her. A languid roll of need swoops between us?—

And I grab her.

She gasps as I sling her up into my arms, snapping her gaze to mine. I let my purr loose and bend to kiss her crown, murmuring, “I told you. Whatever you want, I’m going to give it to you. Even when you don’t know how to ask.”

Right now, she wants a knot. It’s taken me weeks, but I can finally differentiate between all her various strains of arousal. This kind—where there’s a skittish, desperate undercurrent—usually means her heat symptoms are melding with her general desire, but she’s too nervous to ask one of us for help.

Now that she knows we have this connection, I’ll make sure she never has to ask again.

The patio door falls shut behind us and we step into the still, silent living room. I don’t know where my pack is. I suspect they’re trying to give us privacy. I appreciate it, but my sweet baby needs to be knotted.

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