Page 131 of Knot Her Fight

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Our real season starts next month. Usually, that wouldn’t ramp tensions up for another couple of weeks. I can’t speak for the others, but my mood has less than nothing to do with football.

I check my phone for the hundredth time, hoping there won’t be any messages. Tristan told me he would let me know if our surprise switch really upset Serena. We had a plan where I would come take over the date, if she wanted me to.

As it stands, no news is good news, but I’m fucking anxious about it.

I hated misleading her. Even for a surprise. Makes me wonder whether all alphas feel like this or if I’m just a complete simp.

I take comfort in the fact that I am not alone.

Meg Ash stands at the exit of the lockers, hand on her hip, giving Declan Howard a piece of her mind. She waves her other hand and scowls while she snaps at him. And—unlike the attitude he always gives Coach—Dec nods, hanging his head.

Theo stands between them, wincing, but nodding, too. I do my best not to listen to their business as I approach, bag slung over my shoulder.

“Jonah!” Meg stops me, leaning around her two big alphas to catch my eye.

“Hey, little lady,” I smile. “What’s up?”

Theo shifts on his feet while Declan does everything he can not to look at me. Pussies—their omega has no issue meeting my gaze with her blue eyes, giving me a shrewd look. “Your pack found an omega, huh?”

My hackles rise, but I do everything I can to stop my scent from burning to hell. I don’t like anyone talking about Serena when she isn’t around, but I also don’t want to ruin her chances of making friends with Meg one day, if she wants to.

Usually, the Ash Pack’s little blonde is sweet and bubbly. Right now, though, she’s looking at me like she’s a detective and I’m a witness.

“What was her name again? Sabrina?”

“Serena,” I say. “Why?”

Meg narrows her eyes. “I looked for her on socials, to add her to our team pages and stuff. But I couldn’t find her anywhere.”

Shit. My hummingbird has been nervous about making any accounts. She’s still afraid someone from Wally’s might recognize her and out her past before Tristan can get his law passed. It never occurred to me that not having anything up at all might look suspicious, too.

“Weird,” I hedge, forcing a shrug. “I can ask her about it if you want.”

Meg nods. “We do brunch every month for the omegas of the bonded alphas on the team. My friend Remi comes, too. It’s fun—she’ll like it.”

I’m not sure how true that is, considering how shy and wary our girl can be. But Spencer did mention that she’d joined a study group at school… so maybe this is another step forward for her.

I want her life to be like that—rich. Full of friends and fun things she enjoys.

Thinking this, I agree and give Meg Serena’s phone number. Once she has it saved, the blonde omega beams. “Perfect! By the way, do you have a picture? Maybe I did see her profile and just didn’t recognize her.”

My stomach sinks, knowing that wouldn’t be possible, but wanting to save face for my girl. I swipe my phone open, flipping to the one selfie Serena’s allowed me to take with her. In it, I’m grinning like an idiot, and she’s looking at my face with that sweet little smirk on her pretty lips.

When I show it to Meg, she blinks twice and nods. “Got it. Mental image saved.”

Behind her, Theo is even whiter than usual. Declan knocks his shoulder pointedly, until they both nod their goodbyes.

I walk away shaking my head.

That was fucking weird.



At this point, it honestly doesn’t matter if Serena never completes our bond. If she chooses to claim all of my packmates and doesn’t claim me. If she punishes me for all eternity.

That’s okay.

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