Page 114 of Knot Her Fight

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Are we all just pretending we’re not complete and total simps now?






The motion carries.

“Good morning.”

Spencer sits in the sunken living room of the townhouse with his ankle casually crossed over his knee. He turns the page of his newspaper and glances at me over the top of his reading glasses.

As if this is completely normal.

Like I didn’t get railed while they all watched last night. And he isn’t missing work.

“You aren’t in class,” I say, feeling dumb.

His mouth pinches. I can’t tell if he’s holding back a scowl or a smile. “No, I’m not.”

On the couch perpendicular to Spencer’s, a black blob suddenly moves. I bite back a scream when I see that it’s just Avery, fighting his way out of a blanket. Naked, aside from his boxer briefs. And, apparently, awake?

Well, sort of. He’s downstairs, anyway.

Avery is definitely scowling. But he opens his arms and makes a grabbing motion with his hands. “Get your ass over here, kitten. Before I strangle someone for fun.”

Spencer turns another page. Lord, he’s a fast reader. “Avery.”

My inked alpha rolls his gorgeous eyes. “Sorry, sorry,” he mutters. “But it’s eight a.m. This is disgusting.”

Chuckling, I shuffle over to him and try to sit beside his hip. He isn’t having it, though. Two seconds later, I’m lying on top of him.

“Mm,” he mumbles, sleepy. “That’s better.”

I shake my head, smiling. When I glance over at Spencer, I find him staring back, his eyes as intense as ever. “You’re feeling well?” he asks, brow folding.

He’s worried they permanently broke my brain.

I nod, feeling shy. “I’m okay.”

His mouth almost ghosts up. “Good. I hope Jonah let you get some sleep. Because we have to be at the dean’s office in an hour and a half.”

I try to jerk upright, but Avery snarls softly and pets my head while pushing it back down to his chest.

“Dean?” I croak. “Of… your college? For what?”

He snaps his paper. “It’s a university, not a college. And we’re meeting with the dean so I can call in some favors and get you enrolled.”

I’m stunned speechless, my mouth hanging open. Avery sees it through the one eyelid he has cracked and smirks, reaching up to close my jaw.

“You said that was the worst part,” Spencer explains, his dark eyes roiling when they land back on mine. “Not being able to go to school. Now, you can take any classes you’d like. Although, I do have some suggestions, of course.”

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