Page 74 of Knot Her Shot

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Looking around, though, I see it’s not a problem. Our house is the tallest one on the street by at least half a dozen feet. And the copse of old oak trees surrounding us provides enough coverage to make the neighbors a non-issue anyway.

Even if everyone in the neighborhood saw my boxers, I wouldn’t care. Because when I turn to look at Remi, she’s beaming.

A full, true grin. Just as beautiful and bubbly as I remember it being.

Years fall off her face as she smiles at me. Warmth blooms in my chest. Creeping vines of joy and wonder wrap around my throat, leaving it hoarse as I say, “I knew I picked this room for a good reason.”

Somehow, her grin gets bigger. “Do you know which direction is east?”

I get my bearings and point to the right. She spots a dip between two sections of the roof, and we both crawl over to it, settling down in a secure spot where we can both lie on our backs and face the sunrise.

Keeping her sheet tucked around her, protecting her delicate skin from the rough shingles under us, I pull her into my side and hold her there.

Color climbs into the sky. First, the weakest lavender, followed by thin pink and hazy gold clouds. It’s fucking beautiful. Breathtaking, just like it was the first morning I met her.

Just like all those secret morning meetings, Remi watches the sunrise, and I watch Remi. And slowly, with every breeze that ruffles her hair and every pensive gaze at the pink clouds, something inside of me that’s been broken for a long time feels like it’s finally knitting back together.

When the sun starts to make its appearance on the horizon, she turns to me with a question in her eyes. “Bear?”

It’s just one word. I have no idea how I know exactly what it means, but I do. And I instantly know my answer.

Normally, I kiss her like I literally cannot wait another second. This time, it’s slower. I draw her body into mine, molding my lips over hers gently.

I want to erase whatever happened last night. Show her she can trust me. That I’ll always be here for her, as her friend and her lover and every other goddamn thing she needs.

That I’ll be her alpha in every way, if she’ll have me.

Remi opens her arms and legs, leaving the sheet flat underneath her as I position myself on top. She shucks my boxer briefs, glowing blue eyes snagging on mine when she reaches up to touch my jaw. “Please, Bear,” she whispers. “Are you—are you ready?”

Her arousal is a thick, heavenly burst of honey, hanging in the morning mist around us. But I know that isn’t what she means.

Whatever part of her held back before; she’s ready to let it go now.

Up here, with me. In our secret spot. With a sun rising overhead.

She wants all of me.

I drop my forehead to her shoulder, feathering kisses along her collarbone as I push my cock into her soaked center. She arches her neck, moaning softly as she takes me down to the root, knot and all.

I haven’t swelled all the way yet. While I still can, I work myself in and out of her wet, perfect heat, pausing to grind against her clit on every plunge.

It doesn’t take long before we’re both panting. Her hands slide over my back, feeling the way my muscles move while I pulse in and out of her pussy. I kiss her throat, scraping my teeth over it as my knot begins expanding, tugging at all of the nerves inside of her every time I work it in and out.

She feels fucking exquisite, gripping everything I give her with silky, slippery heat. The final time I bottom out inside of her, she squeals, bucking her hips up into mine as her orgasm moves through her.

Remi’s inner muscles lock my knot into place. Pleasure erupts in my core, sending molten bliss through my veins.

For a moment, I feel like my insides are the same color as the golden mist surrounding us. Even after my climax fades, that feeling lingers in my chest, sinking into the purr that rolls out.

Just for her.

Always for her.



This is sick.

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