Page 73 of Knot Her Shot

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It was Damon’s night to share her room with her. So how did she end up in here? And why didn’t she wake me? Or at least try to share my pillow?

I guess the bed sort of screams, No Room For You. This mattress is only big enough for one. A very deliberate decision I made when I bought it. But, for her, I would have made room. Or slept on the floor.

Instead, she’s in the fetal position, wadded up between the tops of my feet and the wall I have the bed pushed up against.

“Butterfly,” I mutter in my sleep-drenched rasp, bending to lift her up into my chest. “What are you doing in here, baby?”

She stirs, burying her face against my naked chest. The sheet wrapped around her shifts, showing me that, underneath it, she’s bare, too.

I rearrange us as best I can with little room, flattening her body between mine and the wall. When she hums something incoherent, I nuzzle my face into her hair.

“Was Damon snoring again?”

She sighs. “No. It wasn’t his fault.” Blue-gold eyes blink open to peer at me in the gray pre-dawn. I remember thinking, just a few weeks ago, that everything around me felt gray. And now she’s here, in my dreary bedroom. And all I see are her colors.

Remi’s front teeth sink into her pink, puffy lip. “I’m sorry if I woke you up.”

“’S okay, Rems,” I mumble, lost in the way she smells and feels and—God, wake me up like this every morning.

Her body is so warm and soft against mine. I rub my nose along her temple, inhaling the honey cake sweetness. And freeze.

Is that Smith?

Why is his scent on her? And so strong, too.

When I lean back to lift my brow at her, she bites her lip harder, blanching it. “I’m okay,” she blurts. “He didn’t mean to do anything, but he was in a rut, and I went in his room, and?—”

My entire body stiffens. “He what?”

“No, Bear,” she pleads, trying to grab me before I can jump up from the bed and stalk off to kill my asshole brother. Her fingers slip over my arm, scratching me accidentally when her grasp proves no match for my rage.

I’m on my feet and halfway to the door before a distressed whine stops me cold. When I whip around, she’s curled into a ball, hugging her knees. Her eyes are wide, beseeching.

“Please,” she whispers. “He already hates me. I’m scared. After last night… I don’t want him to make me leave. Please, Cassian. Just drop it.”

My fingers flex into fists. “He can’t just—just—have you like that, Remi. He can’t have you if isn’t going to take care of you the way you deserve. I’ll kill him.”

She stands on shaky legs, wobbling slightly while she weaves around my rumpled piles of clothes and tries not to trip on the sheet clutched over her breasts. “I know,” she murmurs. “We didn’t go that far. He didn’t do anything I didn’t consent to. It was just a little rough. But I’m okay, see?”

Like she’s showing off a new outfit or doing one of her spins for Damon, she twirls in a graceful circle. Some of my fury cools, seeing the small smile on her lips. Even if it looks forced.

God, I want to see her smile for real.

Enough of these half-smirks and shy almost-grins. Even the smiles she gives Damon seem put-on sometimes. Like she thinks she has to flirt with him to make her happiness worth his while.

I look past her, to the balcony and the world beyond. The sky is gray-blue, lightening by the second.

“Come on.”

She takes the hand I stretch out to her, following just behind me while I clear a path to the double doors. They stick, but I muscle one open and step halfway outside, sizing up the situation.

Not too bad. Only about four feet up to the rooftop.

I take my sheet from her clutched hand, snapping it open and bringing the tails together to tie them between her pert little tits. “Cass,” she huffs. “What are you—ah!”

Lifting her with both hands, I stretch up until her arms are level with the edge of the roof. She catches on instantly, scrambling up with an extra boost from my hand on her ass.

Getting myself up beside her takes a little more effort, but years of chin-ups come in handy. I scrabble up beside her, landing on my boxer-covered ass just as I realize I probably should have dressed us both first.

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