Page 96 of Risking the King

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“By the feet, honey?” I asked.

Nicco dropped his brother on the grass and they both started laughing.

Much like the brothers—Carlo and Stefan—behind me, who were currently doing the same thing. Gosh, I loved hearing them laugh together.

All of them.

“Momma, I told them not to do it. But they didn’t listen to me.” Dani emerged with her hair in tousled waves. “But boys are trouble,” she said, sounding flabbergasted.

I crouched down and nodded. “I know. Isn’t it wonderful?”


Chapter Twenty-Eight


What’s Up Next???

The Auction


Honest to Christ.

If I had to spend five more minutes holed up in this shithole, I was going to snap someone’s neck.

The object of the game—this poker game to be exact—was to get closer to Raul and make a business alliance. A very beneficial one.

Nick and Stefan thought this was the best way forward for all of us.

I, however, wasn’t wholly convinced about that.

Raul Russini was a mean, slippery asshole.

He’d done some pretty horrible shit.

Well, every guy in this place had.

But Raul had his own special brand of assholery.

One that made even me fucking cringe in his presence.

Which said a lot.

Sitting near the big bastard wasn’t something I’d choose to do willingly. His body stench couldn’t be masked by the gallon or so of cologne he’d bathed in before he came here.

Under normal circumstances, I could have arranged our business matters in about ten minutes. And then got the hell back home.

To my empty, dark home.

But it was still better than where I currently sat.

Raul had no desire to talk business tonight. He was joining in with the rest of men as they talked about women.

And the way they did that wasn't the kindest.

None of that was my problem, though. Whoever they conned into fucking them was not a topic I cared to discuss.

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