Page 95 of Risking the King

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All I did was laugh at him and suggest we needed another year to catch up on sleep.

While we were getting more sleep, I was a little scared to even think about having another baby.

“I said we’d talk about it.”

He pulled me closer to his side, and he wrapped his arm around me. “So, let’s talk. I can take you down this afternoon to get your IUD removed.”

I giggled and settled into him. “That’s not really talking. That’s you ordering.”

Carlo’s phone buzzed on the blanket. I smiled when I saw the name scroll across the screen. My heart always jumped whenever he called.

Carlo picked up his phone and answered the call, “Tell your sister-in-law to get rid of her birth control.” Carlo tilted the phone in my direction. I laughed and threw my head back against his shoulder.

“Fuck, no. Why the hell would I do that? Then you’re going to make me wear condoms.”

Carlo chuckled and shook his head. “Fuck off. You’re no help. Why’d you call?”

Stefan grinned into the phone. “I thought I’d invite you guys up here for the weekend.” He moved his phone around to show us where he was.

“Are you in Italy?” I practically squealed. I knew the café he was at. It happened to be one of my favorites.

“We are. Nick and Eve are coming up on Thursday with the kids. And you know it’s not a party unless you two and your kids are there.” Stefan cupped his hand beside his mouth and jerked his head to the side. “Keep your IUD in for another week. Okay, sweetheart? I’ll make it worth your while.”

Carlo instantly moved the phone back to him. “Where’s your better half?” he asked his brother. I smiled as a warm, mushy feeling rushed over me. Just like it always did whenever Carlo and Stefan got along. Which was most of the time now.

Ever since Stefan had nearly died that day in the stables.

Carlo had bent over backward to make things right between them.

Not that Stefan was all that receptive to any of that when he was in the hospital.

Or after.

It took a long while—and several crises for those brothers to heal their hearts toward each other.

But it did happen.

“She’s grabbing our coffees,” he said with a happy smile. I loved how happy Stefan was. It made my soul sing to know what a great life he had now.

“All right. I’ll bring my wife if you bring yours.” Carlo’s lips curved up and gave him a swat. It was only in fun, though. Because I really wanted Stefan to bring his wife, too.

“You know she’s up for it.”

I took the phone from Carlo. “What does she want for her birthday? I need a hint.”

Stefan laughed and shook his head. “You know she’ll love whatever you get her. But if you’re asking me, I loved the black teddy you made her for Christmas.”

I rolled my eyes at him. “That was your present. Not hers.” Carlo and Stefan laughed. “You’re no help. I’ll see you guys this weekend. Give the kids a kiss from their auntie Giselle.”

Then I grabbed Lucca and stood up.

I wanted to give Carlo and Stefan some time together.

Their bond grew stronger every day. And it made me so freaking glad.

“Nicco, put your brother down,” I called out as I walked over.

“But, Momma, he asked me to lift him up,” Nicco explained in his serious little voice.

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