Page 87 of Risking the King

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Just in case, I made sure to wear a sexy, lacy bra and panty set. It was pink, and you could see a hint of it through my white blouse.

It would absolutely drive my fiancé wild.

“I’m surprised I could get you alone,” a voice shouted out from ahead of me. It startled me for a second before I saw who it was.

“Stefan,” I said with a smile and a wave. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. I didn’t care if he wanted to hug me or not.

I missed him. Terribly.

And I wanted him to know it.

“Well, that was an unexpected greeting.” He chuckled and picked me up off the ground and swung me around.

“I miss you. Why haven’t you come over?” I’d messaged him several times. Sending him pictures and asking him to stop over and see us.

“I think you know exactly why,” he said into my neck. Then he kissed me there before setting me down.

I felt a little dizzy, but Stefan held onto me.

“Dani’s been asking about you. And I wanted you to see the babies. You haven’t been over in so long.”

He kissed my forehead. “Oh, you mean—the twins?” he said with a smirk.

I nodded and bit my lip. “Yes, the twins. They’re adorable.”

He looked at me carefully, scanning my face like he was trying to read something there. Finally, he said, “Yeah, I’ve been briefed on the whole twin situation. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Are you sure you want to do this? Because you can always tell my brother to go to Hell, you know. Or I can.” His voice held an edge to it that scared me. It made me wonder if he and Carlo would ever be on the same page again.

Like they used to be.

Or—if I’d ruined that for good.

“I’m sure, honey. This is the best thing to do for Nicco. For his future. And we’ll be raising them together anyway. They look so much alike. It’s amazing.”

He observed me for another minute and then said, “You look happy. Glowing. Are you feeling okay?”

He knew that I was pregnant. He also knew the many complications I had to overcome to get here.

Including escaping from a madman, giving birth in a tiny apartment in Italy, nearly bleeding out on that tiny bed, and then having multiple surgeries to fix me afterward.

“I feel wonderful. Except if you catch me before noon. Then I don’t feel quite as great.” I smiled at him, and he gave me a sad grin back.

Then he took my hand, and we wandered to the barn. Neither of us in any hurry at all.

We talked.

We laughed.

We caught up with things we’d been meaning to say for months.

And by the time he’d helped me brush Carmen and saddle her up—I felt like he and I were—good. Again.

At least I hoped so.

And Stefan felt the same way, I think.

Maybe fixing his relationship with Carlo might actually be possible.

I missed having Stefan around. And just because we weren’t together anymore didn’t mean we couldn’t be close.

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