Page 86 of Risking the King

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“It’s up to you, Giselle. I’m not forcing anything or anyone,” Carlo touched Nicco’s foot, “on you.”

Eve snuggled in on the other side of me, and let her fingers graze the side of Nicco’s head. “He’s right. Just think about it.”

After that, we all sat around, fawning over a very quiet, very happy, very loved—Nicco. He seemed to soak up all the love and admiration like a dry sponge.

It was the cutest thing ever.

The whole time, I thought about him. And his future.

And what it might look like to raise him as Marcello’s twin. Instead of his half-brother.

Could I really do that to him?

Could I really do that for him?



The last month had felt like a whirlwind. After much consideration, Carlo and I had decided to tell the world that I’d had—twins.

Stassia was paid off from now until the end of time. And she had signed enough legal documents to choke a horse. At least, that was what Nick had assured me. She wasn’t allowed within a city’s distance of Nicco at any time.

While that fact saddened me—a baby should always know his mother. It also made me happy. Because Nicco was thriving. He and Marcello were inseparable. If they were ever apart, they whined and cried for the other. It was stinkin’ adorable.

Dani had been slightly confused at first. But we kept telling her that they were both her brothers. And she was still young enough that she’d forget the exact way that Nicco came into our lives.

Not that it would matter to her at all. She was in her glory, having all of these babies to play with and care for. She loved playing the boss. The leader of the pack.

My pregnancy was going as expected. And my all-day sickness had morphed into just feeling gross until around noon. After that, I felt fantastic. Which was a huge blessing.

The only thing that hadn’t been worked out yet was the large question of where the heck Sergio was.

Until we had that answer, I could never really breathe freely.

And I also couldn’t marry Carlo yet, either.

Which completely sucked.

Our relationship had grown by leaps and bounds this last month. Like we’d both peeled back several more layers and exposed ourselves at an even deeper level.

And it was wonderful.

I’d never in my life felt this connected to another human being. And even though our sex lives had cooled off considerably, our connection was unbreakable.

In fact, Eve was giving us a break at the moment. We’d put the kids down for their naps, and Eve said she’d keep an ear out for them if we wanted to go for a ride, or “whatever.” She and I had giggled at that.

I was feeling good, and I wanted to get in as many rides as I possibly could before I was too pregnant to get up on a horse anymore.

And seeing as I was probably having another boy—and he was conceived with a lumberjack—I figured that time was going to come sooner than later.

The air out here was so fresh and calm. Not a bit of wind to speak of.

The sun was high in the sky, shining down gloriously. I let the heat from it soak into me.

I could still fit into my jeans, so I wore a pair that accentuated my curves. And then I topped it off with a cute, white blouse. It had short, capped sleeves with adorable little frills on the edging. And of course, I left one or two too many buttons undone for Carlo.

I figured we could maybe stop by the pond and make out. Or more.

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