Page 34 of Risking the King

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He’d also draped a sheet over one side of the crib. That made me giggle softly.

But it was what I saw on our bed that took my breath away.

The covers were pulled back, and pink rose petals covered the black sheets.

My heart nearly exploded.

The bedroom door opened quietly, and Carlo walked in carrying a large bottle and two champagne flutes.

He stopped just inside the door and let his eyes roam over me. “Christ, woman. You always take my fuckin’ breath away.” He quietly shut the door behind him and walked up to me.

I’d picked out a sexy, pink lace nightie.

He handed me a glass, and I grinned. “Thank you, but I don’t need any.”

He quickly removed the cork and took a deep breath. “Well, I do,” he said, and then I clued into something.

Carlo was nervous, too.

And somehow, knowing that made me feel so, so, so much better.

He poured half a bubbly glass for me, and then for himself.

He made a toast. “To the strongest, most beautiful mother in the world.” He gently touched his glass to mine, making them ping.

I took a sip of the champagne, the bubbles tickling my nose.

Carlo downed the whole thing in one big gulp. And then filled it up again.

And drank that one, too.

His third glass he filled right to the top.

“You should just drink straight from the bottle. Save yourself some time,” I teased my handsome, very nervous lumberjack.

“I’ve already considered that.” He smirked down at me, taking a long sip of his champagne.

I took a few more fortifying sips myself before I took his glass and set it down with mine. Then I lifted the bottle from his grip and put that down, too.

And then—I slid my hands up his bare, muscular chest. I raised up on my tiptoes and touched my lips to his.

Carlo’s arms wrapped around me.


He tilted his head and kissed the crap out of me. I could feel the barely harnessed lust under his skin.

And it turned me on even more.

Before I knew it, he bent down and lifted me up, hands on my behind—and walked us to the bed.

His knee landed on the bed, and he moved us into the middle.

As Carlo lowered me down, I was surrounded by the scent of roses.

The petals were cool and soft on my back, and their floral smell grew even stronger.

Carlo’s mouth never left mine except to ask if I was okay.

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