Page 35 of Risking the King

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Each time, my answer was, “Yes.”

Because I was.

I was just fine in my lumberjack’s arms.

“I want to touch you, Giselle. Can I?” he panted against my mouth—and I nearly died inside from how sweet he was being.

So cautious.

And loving.

I gave him a reassuring smile. “Touch me, Carlo. Please. I want to feel your hands on me.” I kissed him. “All over me.”

His mouth completely engulfed mine, and I sighed.

His hand slid down to my breast, and I—“Oh, shit,” I said, trying to push up and out of his grasp. “Crap, let me go change.”

Carlo backed away immediately. “Did I hurt you?” he asked, his eyes unfocused and cloudy.

“I’m fine, I just.” I covered my breasts with my hands. “I’m leaking. You hugged me too tight.” It didn’t take much for my breasts to leak. I had enough milk to feed an entire block.

Or one mini-lumberjack.

“That’s all?” Carlo asked cautiously, his eyes scanning my face.

I nodded. “Let me put on something else. I’m sorry.” I started to sit up, but Carlo’s big hand pushed me back down.

“I suspect,” his hands landed on my shoulders, hooking the thin straps of my nightie with his fingers, “that your breasts are going to leak many times in our bed.”

His eyes held mine, and he slowly pulled my straps down. “You gave your body to me, Giselle. And then you gave it to my son—to grow, and nurture him, and keep him safe all those months. When I couldn’t.” His eyes shined in the candlelight, and I started to feel weepy.

He pulled my nightie down further, over my breasts. “You feed my son with your breasts. And I can’t tell you how that makes me feel.” He kept pulling my nightie down to my hips. “Because I can’t express my thanks. There are simply no words to tell you how grateful I am that you would sacrifice yourself like that. After—”

His eyes fell to my breasts, and he moved off me for a second, to remove my nightie completely.

I hadn’t bothered with panties. He leaned back over me. “So, leaky breasts are not a problem. In fact.” His lips kissed my neck, licking and trailing his way down my chest.

Until he reached a very hard nipple. He licked it gently before sucking it into his mouth. When he drew me further into his mouth, I knew he was tasting me. And my toes curled up.

I let my hands caress his back as he kept his mouth on me.

My lumberjack was not turned off by my leaky breasts. Quite the opposite.

And on top of that, he’d told me how thankful he was for me.

And that did wonders for gluing certain parts of my heart back together again.

Carlo finally popped off my breast and gazed down at me. “You taste warm and sweet.” He smiled and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “No wonder Marcello wants to eat all the time.”

It was completely inappropriate, but I laughed. “I think that’s because he’s your son. It scares me to think how large that baby is going to grow up to be one day.”

Carlo’s smile grew so big it completely took over his face. “And he’s got his mother’s beauty.”

I felt my cheeks warm at his comment. “He got our best features. I’m happy for him—” I inhaled deeply, “but I’m also scared at how handsome he’s going to be.”

Carlo chuckled and kissed my lips. I tasted the sweetness he’d talked about. Then he kissed down my neck again until he ended up at my other breast. He teased and sucked on me—and it felt wonderful. And maybe it would stop me from leaking while we—

“Fuck, there’s officially nowhere you don’t taste good.” His lips let me go and he continued kissing down my swollen belly—and down.

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