Page 30 of Risking the King

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“Come on, I’ll help you up.” Carlo stood beside Carmen, ready to boost me.

Fear shot through me, and I backed away.

“No, I can’t. I’m not healed up enough. I might hurt myself.” I held both hands out in front of me.

Carlo moved like a large cat into my space. He wrapped his arms around me. “The doctor cleared you for horseback riding.” His lips touched mine. “And everything else.” Then his lips crashed down on mine, and he gave me a soul-stealing kiss. His tongue found mine, and he awoke something inside of me that I thought had been gone forever.

My lower belly ached—but not in pain.

With need.

My hands landed on his chest, and I pushed away. “Carlo,” was all I could say in my breathless voice, “are you sure?”

He gave me a smexy smirk. “She gave you the green light. And me.” He chuckled, and I laughed at the lusty look in his eyes.

It felt like he wanted to eat me for lunch.

“You’re sure?” I asked again, still skeptical.

I mean, it had been three months since Marcello was born. And I had healed up. Every doctor and specialist said I was a medical wonder for surviving—and healing up so quickly from all the surgeries.

The only thing they couldn’t guarantee was—if I could ever have more babies or not.

And that honestly devastated me.

I was happy and blessed to have Dani and Marcello. And I knew that there were a lot of people out there who didn’t have one child, let alone two wonderful angels.

But I’d always pictured myself with a lot of kids. Like five. Or six.

I knew it was stupid. Especially since I’d assumed I’d be on the run my whole life.

But there was a large part of me that wanted to keep that option open. You know?

“You can’t get back in the saddle unless you,” Carlo gently touched his lips to mine, “get back in the saddle.” Then he grasped my hand and pulled me over to Carmen. I took a deep breath and swung my leg over.

And I was up.

Honestly, I felt more than a little dizzy up here. It had been so many months since I’d been on a horse.

“You good?” Carlo asked, not taking his hand off Carmen.

Or me.

I grinned down at him, full force. “Yeah. I’m good.”

His big hand squeezed my leg. “I’ll follow you and catch up.”

I kicked and Carmen headed out into the field.

And it was wonderful.

The sun was shining down on us, and it helped to clear the cobwebs and bad crap in my brain.

There were no madmen on the loose out here. Or dead, bleeding women.


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