Page 31 of Risking the King

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Just me and my horse.

My legs and behind were already sore. But that didn’t mean I was going to quit.


It had been far too long since I’d gone for a ride. I wasn’t going to back out now.

Carlo and Cappo came trotting up to us.

He gave me a smile and said, “Let’s go.”


We did.

He took me all around the estate, and down by the water.

We didn’t stop, though.

An hour later, when we arrived back at the stables—I was freaking tired.

And sore.

Carlo helped me dismount, and I moaned in pain, “Ugh, ouch, ouch, ouch.”

Carlo kept his hands on me and turned me around. “Are you hurt?” The way he stared at me made me feel better. “Just sore. It’s been a while.”

He gave me a half-smirk. “You’re going to be sore when you ride me tonight, too.”


No real sympathy from that guy.

He let me walk around and stretch out while he dealt with the horses. I was feeling a little tired.

I’d started coming out here with Carlo and Dani in the mornings a while ago. And then Carlo and I would come out again in the afternoon when the kids went for their nap. He rode, but I stayed behind and groomed the horses.

And sang to them.

It was my happy place.

And it got me out and moving—and gaining my strength back, one step at a time.

And yes, I slept beside Carlo every night. A few times I’d awoken to his hand on my breast, and his huge cock hard on my behind.

But once he realized what he was doing—he always apologized and left.

Not once had our kisses ended up in anything more.

Apparently, tonight—he had other ideas, though.

The rest of the afternoon went as planned. As most of our afternoons did.

I rested, and fed Marcello when he woke up. Then Carlo and I would play with him until Dani and the other kids woke up.

Eve was mostly in charge of supper. She and Mafalda appeared to get along all right.

And Eve and I were back to being best friends as well.

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