Page 39 of These Family Ties

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A song I love starts to play—“Christian Woman” by Type O Negative. It’s one I thought was funny once I finally learned the lyrics, and was astonished they played it in a place like this. A place where sin is abundant and overflowing like a boiling pot. Letting the music take me, I swirl my hips around lower and lower until my ass is on my heels and the steel pipe is cool between my shoulder blades as I rest against it. It’s here for private showings, but getting up close and personal helps with the tips. Plus, here behind the curtains, the closer I get, the quicker they bust and the sooner I can collect.

Once the sweet vocals ring through the speakers, I take to my hands and knees. The carpet rubs harshly against my palms. Regardless of the slight discomfort, I take it slow when the drums come back. The man seems intrigued and leans back, splaying his arms across the back of the couch. His thick thighs are relaxed and spread for me. I crawl in time with the beat until my face is in line with his cock, which is straining in his tight fitting dress pants. I glance up at the man in a show of submission, even though there’s never been an ounce of submission in my bones unless it came to… Daddy.

Chapter Eighteen


This might be manipulative, but I wanted to see her in her element. In the lights as they move over her curves. I may be a piece of shit for this, but I couldn’t resist the chance to see her like this. I also couldn’t sit back and watch the perv I stole this suit from touching her. That’s why when I heard him ask for a private dance from my baby girl, I hog-tied him. He’s currently behind the couch next to the speakers to drown out his moans and grunts as he tries to dislodge my boxers from his mouth.

Good luck with that buddy, the tape will be near impossible to get through with your hands behind your back. I’d rather die from her hatred than to watch your grubby paws on my daughter. That’s what I’d whispered harshly to him as I dressed myself with his clothes. They fit well enough. A little too snug for my liking, but they’ll do with such short notice.

She’s looking up at me with big brown eyes, and that ache in my heart at not seeing her for years seems to stitch itself back together. My baby girl is here before me on her knees. She hasn’t recognized it’s me yet or I’d feel the fury of a thousand suns beaming down on me. Daddy’s girl is a fierce firecracker ready to explode.

Her fingers rub up and down her thighs, restless before the spark in her eyes flares. She’s not one to submit, which is why I was surprised to find her in a club. She takes after her father in that way. We love control. It’s one of the reasons I couldn’t get her out of my system after that night. Breaking her down into submission was the most intoxicating feeling.

When she can’t take it any longer, she splays her digits over my slacks. Her claws dig in as she stands. I’m taken back to that time she stood in front of me after her shower, and I just wanted to hold her and breathe her in. This time I don’t hold back. Fuck society. Fuck the norms. People may say this is wrong, but she feels right to me. I want her all to myself, so I give in to temptation.

I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in. My face against her soft stomach, inhaling her scent that’s no longer familiar. Before she had a fruity aroma, I remember from her wet hair. Now it’s more womanly with warm coconut, and fresh saltwater mixed with something floral. She’s like the ocean to my sand, never considered a beach without the two together.

Her body tenses at first. This must not be normal, but I couldn’t care. I need her. She still hasn’t realized it’s me, so her body relaxes in my hold. I’m assuming I’m not the only man that’s come to her for human contact versus a sexual encounter. There’s a rule here for no insertion and I don’t want to think about how many men have tried to push that boundary. I won’t say that I would love to welcome her touch elsewhere, but I can refrain for now.

“Baby girl,” I growl. My lips move against her skin with my words.

She must not hear me because she doesn’t lash out in anger. Instead, her fingers run through my hair, sending tingles through my scalp at the touch. Which soon turns to her scraping her nails and pulling the short strands back until I’m looking up at her.

“Did you choose the wrong girl? Because surely whoever told you about me warned you that I don’t play nice.” Her lips lift at the corner revealing her sharp canines.

Fuck if her fire doesn’t set me ablaze. My balls tighten at the promise of violence from her. Is this what she does? Dominates the men behind these curtains? Maybe I should’ve sat back and watched her work. That would’ve been more pleasurable than what I’m about to experience.

I stand towering over her, only leaning into her small frame to run my lips over the shell of her ear. She’s so still, like she's shut down emotionally. Walls are up ten fold behind a layer of brick and mortar. Sadly, I’m about to shatter every one she’s put up.

“Daddy’s home.”

Chapter Nineteen


Did he say… Daddy’s home?

My heart cracks and the visceral pain it emulates reverberates spreading through every limb. I gaze into the masked man’s face. He’s peering down at me, revealing the sorrow and regret etched in his face. I touch the edge of the plastic, lifting it until it falls to the side.

“Daddy?” I whisper. My voice is a hollow echo in my ears.

The room sways beneath my feet as if my world took an extra fast turn in its orbit. His hands anchor my upper arms, righting the earth I stand on. All the while I can’t stop cataloging his features. The wisdom lines etched around his eyes are deeper than they were eight years ago. His body is harder and leaner than ever, I didn’t think it was possible. For being fifty-three, I don’t think it’s typical, but typically, a man doesn’t spend almost half his life behind bars with nothing else to do. The dark hair on the top of his head is still lush with more silver, but his beard is almost completely white. Regardless of time, he still makes the blood in my veins turn to molten lava.

“You…” Tears sting my eyes but I refuse to let them fall. He’s hurt me numerous times. Once I’ve regained the steel rod of my composition, piecing my walls back together, I begin again with more confidence. “You shouldn’t be here. I don’t want you here.”

His head falls and I know he’s taking my honesty admittance hard, but I refuse to back down. “Baby girl, please. Hear me out.”

I cross my arms over my chest, pursing my lips. Should I give him a chance? The scar from the bullet wound he gave me is a constant reminder of his betrayal. But should I give him a chance? It sounds a little like an oxymoron, but he’s the only one that’s made me feel safe. I let out a huff, caving to hear him out. I’m giving him a chance and if he doesn’t start soon, I’m about to walk away.

“Look I know you blame me for leaving you with Mer. For leading you to believe she was your mother. I take ownership in that. It’s my fault. I should’ve told you everything regardless of how young you were.” He lets go of me, running his hand over his face.

He’s treading lightly, picking his words carefully. I know he is, because one wrong thing and I’ll never give him even a sliver of a chance back in my life, much less my heart.

“I’ll leave it at that. If you want me to bring Mer to you dead, I will. And shooting you… I never should’ve done that. All I saw was you bleeding. I thought that fucker had stabbed you or something. And you were running away… I didn’t want you going into the forest to die. I knew I wasn’t going to catch you and I know it was a crazy plan, but I thought I was protecting you. You have to believe me when I say I acted irrationally but I had my reasons.”

His words are a balm to my soul, but there’s still a piece inside me that tells me this isn’t enough. I’m in a state of shock from his surprise visit. However, he was probably thinking this was the only way I’d see him–and he was probably right.

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