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It was a challenge, and Rane couldn’t resist. Not because of the challenge. It was the people who gave him the shot, who stared at him, who cheered at him to do it. A crowd of people that demanded hedonistic satisfaction.

He couldn’t tell them no. He drank the dangerous shot.

Rane slammed the glass back onto the table. The bar was tense, the surrounding crowd of watchers stared with wide eyes in gleeful anticipation.

He had his eyes clenched closed, hand wrapped so tight around the glass he feared it might shatter, but kind of hoped it did. If there were glass shards embedded in his flesh, maybe it would distract from the horrible burn in his throat.

It took three tries, and nearly throwing up everything he’d already had to this point, to successfully swallow the drink. His abdomen immediately clenched in protest; his body completely sure that he must have just forced down some vile poison. The reflex to purge the system was as hard to resist as the burn.

But he fought past that too and with a roar of triumph, threw his fists in the air. The crowd he’d gathered cheered, roaring and stomping and clapping, as they rushed him. The sultry female with slick, golden fur who dared him to do it purred in pleasure as two of her four arms wrapped around him, her body undulating against his, promising a reward later.

Rane could barely keep standing. He leaned onto the male at his other side to keep from falling over. The drink hit hard and it hit fast. The world had already been spinning from the drinks he’d consumed before, but the viti liquor made the ground tilt and sway like he was bobbing up and down in water. It was absolutely nauseating, not at all helped by the fact that his vision suddenly doubled and there were two males he was leaning against and a female with an uncountable number of arms stroking him, promising wicked delights he was no longer capable of understanding.

Rane had no idea who these people were. He’d been brought to this bar to drink and to have a good time and his loud, fun attitude had drawn them to him. Best friends for a few hours. Mates for a night. He wouldn’t remember any of their names or faces come morning, but right now there was no one closer to him in the world.

Another drink was shoved into his hand. He didn’t know what this one was, he didn’t care if it was another viti shot – though two would definitely put him on the ground, if not kill him outright. He tossed it back, unconcerned and uncaring.

It wasn’t a viti shot – more’s the pity. Instead, it was something with a sweet, smoky flavor that immediately made all the colors seem brighter, the contrast of the world sharper.

He’d tasted a lot of different drinks tonight, from a lot of different planets. This bar was popular for being a hub of alien liquors and alien patrons. He would pay for his carelessness later, but right now it didn’t matter. The world was more vibrant, the people were funnier, his body was relaxed and unpained.

For a little while, he could just be and not have any damn worries.

Rane lost track of the night after that.

There were some flashes of memory here and there.

He vaguely recalled pissing in a corner of the bar and getting into a fistfight with the owner. He somewhat remembered hanging onto his new, temporary friends as they carried him to a different bar. He thought that maybe he got into a beauty contest with two other males as they posed for their females, but maybe that was just him posing and making a fool of himself alone.

At some point, he must have left that bar too, because that’s not where he was when he opened his eyes this morning. Or afternoon. Whatever time it was. He didn’t know; he didn’t care. He wasn’t even confused by the unfamiliar surroundings.

His head was pounding, his body was heavy, his eyes were aching and watering, and his stomach was locked up like he was mid puke, though nothing was happening. He felt horrible. And he was aware, once again, of the bruises and pains covering his body.

A single night of freedom, but he paid for it, with interest, the next day.

He groaned, turning over in the unfamiliar bed. He lifted his impossibly heavy head. His scalp was sore, like someone had been yanking at his crest feathers. Looking down, the mystery was solved when he saw the four-armed female from last night. He didn’t know her name, he didn’t really care, he certainly didn’t remember fucking her.

But he supposed he must have. He was nude, and so was she. But there was no afterglow of satisfaction like he’d come recently. There was nothing dried on her fur or between her legs that he could see. Maybe he made her come. Hopefully. He doubted he’d come. Not with how hollow he felt now.

Or maybe he had, and that’s why he felt hollow.

Who knew? Who cared?

Blinking, trying to clear his eyes, Rane rested his arm on his bent knee as he looked around. He’d been brought to a hotel room, apparently. Not even a good one. There was another bed in here, with another couple splayed out on top of the sheets. Also naked. Also unknown to him. Though, at least, that male had more fun than him, judging by the dried cum on the sheets and the female.

When he looked down, he noticed three more pairs of legs on the floor. Also nude, though admittedly, he couldn’t see anything above their knees.

Had he been part of an orgy? Or was it a sex in the same area situation?

Didn’t know.

Still didn’t care.

Rane let out a long sigh as he rubbed his neck. Gritting his teeth as he avoided the urge to puke. His mouth was dry, but also tasted horrible.

What time was it?

How long would it take to get back home?

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