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Did it even matter?

No, he decided a moment later, looking at the window that was covered in a heavy, blackout curtain that kept out all but a sliver of daylight.

He sat there for a while. Waiting for his head and body to stop hurting. Thinking he should probably get some water but being unwilling to move. Or unable, because he was worried that moving would mean he lost the fight with his stomach, and he’d upend the contents all over the floor. Or himself.

Did he have practice today?

Did that matter?

He let out a long breath, looking around at the messy room again. There were empty and half empty bottles of various liquors everywhere. One of the males on the floor let out a long fart as he turned over. No one else moved. The air was stale and stank. He was hungry and dehydrated.

Maybe he could just leave.

What if he walked out the door, went to the spaceport, and just left?

He’d be stopped by the authorities and returned home for trying to leave the planet without permission, that’s what would happen.

What time did the bars reopen? Maybe he could just lay down and wait to get up until then. Maybe the new friends he didn’t know would go with him. Likely not. These kinds of relationships weren’t made to last beyond a few days, at the very most.

But that was fine. He could make some new temporary friends. Go to a new bar. Drink until all these pains and aches and discomforts faded and he was lost again.

End up losing another night.

End up fucking another nameless female without even the satisfaction of actually coming.

Maybe take two viti shots and seeing if that really would kill him.

A male could dream.

He closed his eyes. Ready to do just that. To lay down and waste another day in this seemingly never ending life.

Loud, pounding footsteps outside in the hall made them open again.

He frowned at the door, confused. Typically, people were quiet in hotels. Or maybe it was just so late in the day that no one cared.

The female on the other bed opened her eyes, groaning in pain, awaked by the noise.

Rane was unmoving, because he knew those bootsteps.

He’d heard them chasing after him for most of his life. Hard not to recognize when they were closing in on him again.

He didn’t even move. Just sat there and waited. Nothing was going to change regardless of what he did anyway.

Even when the door was forcibly opened from the outside, sliding out of sight thanks to the override key, he remained motionless. One of the males on the floor shot up, but the two ratchi standing in the doorway didn’t care about anyone else.

They advanced on him, and Rane didn’t even try to fight. He didn’t help either. He was a puppet as the two, large males grabbed him by the arms and yanked him off the bed, towards the door. Unconcerned about his nudity, his dignity, his consent.

His temporary friends called out in outrage, one of the males on the ground grunted as he was suddenly shoved aside. Rane didn’t even look their way. He was limp, legs dragging, as the ratchi duo pulled him from the room and out into the hallway.

They were huge compared to him, and Rane was no small male himself. Orza had dark blue scales, a few sharp teeth that constantly poked out of the lips of his snout, and yellow quills and eyes. Kirs had dark green scales, was missing one of the three fingers on his left hand, and also had yellow eyes and quills, only in a slightly darker shade.

They had been hired shortly after Rane went through puberty and it became obvious that his previous bodyguards weren’t going to be big enough anymore. He rarely heard them talk, he never knew them to do anything except scowl, and he only knew their names because he’d heard his mother use them when she ordered them around.

Because they were only officially his bodyguards. In reality, they were his mother’s tools.

Rane’s expression was carefully blank, unaffected and uncaring, like this wasn’t happening, when the duo dragged him through the lobby of the inexpensive hotel and outside, right to where a large crowd of reporters and paparazzi were waiting. Immediately, combots flashed and people shouted questions. No one cared that his cock was out and uncovered or that he was being so roughly handled.

Rane was a show. This was just another unfortunate incident of him being caught in a compromising position. It was only newsworthy because the public loved keeping track of his various misadventures and judging him for them.

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