Page 28 of Another Life

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The last thing I had meant to do was check her out, but I had, and my dick had responded in a salute of lustful delight before I had time to compute what I’d done. Harper was a beautiful woman, but I hadn’t realized how truly smoking hot she was before.

It was crazy but true. I’d seen her hundreds of times in her swimsuit, in shorts and tops, and dressed up to the nines, but I’d never felt lust like I had when I took her in. It felt all kinds of wrong, and guilt washed over me for finding her so appealing.

“Are you ready?” she asked innocently, with a frown on her face. I guessed it was clear to her my mind wasn’t focused on yoga.

“Sure,” I replied, shaking my arms out and moving my head from side to side in my effort to shake the new pent up feelings I had. At the same time I was wondering how quickly I could pretend to pull a muscle to get the fuck away from her.

“Okay, we start like this,” she instructed, placing her palms together and holding them right in front of the perfect cleavage I’d already noticed and was fighting hard to ignore. I trained my eyes on her hands for a second, but they digressed to the perfectly squashed breasts behind them, then I noticed her nipples were hard. Fuck me.

If anyone in my past had ever told me I would feel as awkward as fuck about staring at a pair of pert tits, I’d have had a smart-assed answer. However, that was in a whole other life; because I was so hard up I felt like a ready schoolboy after finding a secret stash of porn.

I felt relieved when she took her hands away and talked me through various positions she wanted me to try, before she proceeded to show me a series of stealthy moves, designed to loosen my shoulder joints and increase their flexibility.

What I actually saw was a range of ways to showcase Harper’s tits and ass to the best of their ability as she cut through all the pose changes.

At one point I almost called a halt, as my groin was fucking with my mind, but I somehow struggled through, mainly by staring over her shoulder and thinking about how Peter should redesign the shrubbery bushes over by the south wall. When I looked back at her I swallowed roughly, wondering how I was going to make it to the end of the session without her noting the sizable bulge in my sweats.

If Harper did notice, she never said, but once she’d gone through another impressive set of positions, involving stretching her arms, that included pairing her hands around her back like she had at the front, she smoothly moved onto working our hips. Watching her contort her tight little body became torturous when I hadn’t been laid in a while.

Getting down on her hands and knees, Harper darted a sideward glance in my direction. “This is called the table top position.” Personally, I’d participated in this familiar position a fair few times in my life, but I knew it as ‘the doggy.’

I crouched down to copy her, like she told me, but my hungry eager eyes were stuck firmly on her fabulous toned ass. “This is the cat pose,” she informed me, as she curled her hips inward then thrust her ass out, dipping her back, “and this is the cow,” she added, and my mind went straight to the gutter.

Then, just when I wondered why the fuck I’d ever agreed to doing this with her, she stuck her ass right up in the air. The sudden upward thrust was totally unexpected and had my jaw hanging slack while my tongue almost fell out of my mouth.

“Come on, you’re not trying,” she admonished, and I wondered how the hell to try what she was doing without showing the massive, raging boner tenting my sweats.

Slowly I crawled into position and went through the same moves she had shown me. “Great, you’re getting the hang of it.” I was most definitely hanging, if you catch my drift, but I flashed a grateful smile for her encouragement as I fought desperately to get my head back in the game.

If I had thought Harper’s previous demonstrations were enticing, I was ill prepared for some of the more advanced poses she pulled from her body when I’d informed her I’d had enough. Accepting I was new, she continued with her routine while I watched like some sick fuck voyeur. I swear by the time she was done, I had wished I were somewhere else entirely… like balls deep in a tight wet pussy.

From the positions she got herself into, I was convinced Harper had enough bendy talent to kiss her own ass, and I marveled at how unbelievably flexible she was, which did nothing for the state of my sex-starved mind. I pulled off my t-shirt to distract myself from staring at her.

By the time she had finished, there were several damp patches; one of which ran down the seam of her black yoga pants, and her midriff glistened with perspiration from the effort she’d put into her workout. Casting a glance over her body, I imagined her totally naked while she bent to drop the small hand towel she’d used to wipe herself down.

“Cooling down time,” she advised me, jolting my dirty mind in a new direction when she told me to lie flat on my back. Sneakily readjusting myself in my sweats, I did as she asked and cussed up a storm in my head when she crawled over and knelt beside me. Sweet Jesus, give me strength.

Having her so close beside me almost felt too much as her clean, musky feminine smell surrounded me. Warmth radiated from her tight sexy body as the sun caught her hair, and I swear her face was flushed to perfection, like she’d recently been fucked.

Leaning over me, her beautiful smiling face made me want to wrap my hand around the back of her head and pull it toward mine. Everything she was, suggested, and did, all served to add to the confused and lust-filled feelings I had running through me.

“All right, I know you’ve probably cooled down by now,” she guessed when cool was the last emotion I felt. “I’m going to make sure you know how to breathe properly to help get the most from our sessions.”

My self-awareness was at its peak. I had never in my life been self-conscious, but I was learning new capabilities being around Harper.

“I’m going to place my hand here,” she advised me, laying her warm sticky palm gently across the center of my abdomen. Her touch only made me want her more. Her ponytail briefly fell forward and grazed seductively across my chest. She smiled and flicked it back over her shoulder.

“And when you breathe out, I want you to pull your abdominal muscles in here.” She swept her finger lightly across my midsection and sent a small ripple of electricity across my body, making my insides clench in response. “Make them as tight as you can, like you’re tucking them up under your sternum. Each of the exercises I’m giving you will increase your core strength. Now, try to tense on an exhale to maximize the toning effect on your abs.”

Staring along her lovely toned arm and up to her face, I nodded and tried to do as she asked. “Shit,” I cussed when the effort of holding it for the ten seconds and realized she wanted showed me how out of shape I was.

“Don’t worry, looking at these abs,” she praised, patting her hand on my stomach before tracing her hands over the ridges of each one, “you’ll be tweaked and toned again in no time. These tight lines along here tell me you’ve probably got a lot of muscle memory.”

Harper’s hand continued to rest on my belly and for a second her eyes connected with mine. A flush reddened her face and she licked her dry lips before her hand trailed away and left my body. If I’m not mistaken, her thoughts aren’t exactly pure either.

“Okay, let’s do a little relaxation technique.” When she lay down beside me, her arm brushed against mine, and another small charge of electricity coursed through my sex-starved body. “Sorry,” she murmured before she tilted her hips and shoulders as she edged herself away.

Once there was a little more space between us, I swallowed awkwardly and gave a little cough as another wave of horny thoughts ran through my mind.

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