Page 4 of Lucky Man

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“Yeah, it’s got plenty of milk in it and a few little packs of that sugar I found in the condiments tray,” he replied.

“Good. Come on, baby, it’s your favorite tea all the way from Yorkshire, England,” I coaxed again. “Fuck, this is all my fault,” I cussed as my chest tightened in distress. I took a deep breath to calm myself because I had to think straight. “Come on, baby, drink,” I urged and kept feeding Daisy the warm tea. Slowly she thawed out and became more coherent, but my heart continued to pump a mile a minute until she looked at me and smiled.

“Wow. I made it,” she mumbled groggily when she stared into my eyes with a line creasing her brow.

“Damn, I’m so sorry, baby. That was a stupid decision I made to expect you to ride up here in sub-zero temperatures after such a long journey. I didn’t even let you acclimatize to the altitude.”

Felix looked relieved and cracked a small smile. “She’d have been fine, except she told me she had felt sick on the flight. She only told me she hadn’t eaten right as we were heading up here,” Felix informed me.

At least we had a reason why she hadn’t been able to manage her temperature. Plus, I could have bet the temperature had dropped several degrees since I’d traveled up to the cabin in daylight.

“Something smells good,” Felix muttered and glanced toward the oven. Next to protecting people, food was my bodyguard’s biggest passion. In fact, I felt sure if it came to a choice of a night with a hot woman or an all you can eat buffet, Felix would have chosen the latter.

“Yeah, I haven’t even checked what it is, but you’ll be eating with us tonight. You’ve been running around all day, and you need to rest too.” I glanced down at Daisy again and although she had come around quite a bit, I was still concerned about her.

“Maybe we should get you into the sauna or the tub before dinner… warm those bones of yours. The combination of travel, the cold and nothing to eat have taken a toll on you today.”

“She should drink some more tea first,” Felix suggested and nodded toward her again. Felix had obviously picked up on the lack of conversation and Daisy’s usually exuberant greeting toward me whenever we’d been apart. They were telling signs that all still wasn’t well in Daisy’s world.

“A warm bath sounds good,” she muttered as Felix stood, moved over to the kitchen, and made her another cup of tea.

When Daisy became less spaced out and was nursing her cup in her hands, I had Felix start the faucet in the tub and turn the oven down low. The delicious smell of Italian food hung in the air as I pulled Daisy to her feet and walked with her into the master suite bathroom.

“The oven is set to warm,” Felix advised. “I’ll be back in my room unless you want me to set up for dinner.”

“Thanks, I’ll give you a shout when she’s out of the tub and you can set whatever it is out on the table.”

“Come on, baby, let’s get your bones warmed and then get something to eat inside you.”


Daisy slumped back in her chair, looking a hell of a lot more like herself, and yawned. “That was delicious. I didn’t realize how hungry I was. One good thing about running a pub is I’ve trained myself to eat at any time, day or night, which is just as well since it’s about 4:00 am back home right now.”

“You have no idea how good it is to see you,” I confessed, lifting our entwined hands and pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

“I bet you weren’t saying that earlier when I gave you my dying swan act the moment I got here.”

I chuckled. “You were a beautiful dying swan, but you frightened the living shit out of me.”

“Just keeping you on your toes, Mr. Fontaine,” she muttered. She flashed me that gorgeous toothy smile of hers and my heart melted all over again.

“We should get to bed,” I suggested. “Not to have sex, although that had been a burning desire before you almost died from the cold on arrival.

“I don’t think I could…” she began.

I chuckled. “I’m not into near necrophilia,” I joked, making light of her hypothermic state again. “I just want to hold you in my arms and lie in the dark by the light of that fabulous fire in there.”

“Sold,” she agreed as she sat wrapped in the pajamas she’d brought and a thick terry cloth bathrobe from the sauna. I stared at the still half full lasagna dish and had a mind to leave it, but I figured maybe Felix would eat it, so I covered it up in shrink wrap and put it in the fridge.

Daisy stood and began clearing the plates from the table.

“Stop. Leave it. I’ll stack those in the dishwasher in the morning.”

“Listen to you all domesticated,” she teased as I took the plates from her hands and set them down by the sink.

“Only when I have the right motivation,” I shot back. “I’ll say and do anything necessary to get you into my bed.”

“Is that right? Well, I’ll have you know I’d lick those plates clean myself right now if it means another hour in bed beside you in the morning,” she countered with a smile as I switched off the light and led her down the hallway and into our bedroom.

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