Page 3 of Lucky Man

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Poppy: Don’t be mad but I had to pass on your cell number to Lorraine Masters in the event there are questions. I’ve told her you are abroad and she must only text you. I said that you would call her back when you could.

Poppy, I had roped Daisy’s sister in to help me to spring a massive surprise on my girl. Lorraine Masters was the person she’d hooked me up with to make it happen.

Me: it’s okay. I figured there may be some last-minute questions. Thanx.

I got why she had to do it, but I sighed and made a mental note to check in with her to reduce the likelihood of her contacting me.

Lifting the largest of two pieces of luggage already delivered onto the big bed, I flipped open the suitcase and saw the Fleur de Mal lingerie, Agent Provocateur and Kiki de Montparnasse lingerie gifts I had brought with me. I lifted the boxes out and gently laid them on the bed.

Lifting a Fleur de England Signature box out I smiled as I tapped the box and imagined how Daisy would look wearing what was inside on a particularly special occasion. My mind was stuck on this mental image as I replaced the box back in the suitcase. Daisy knew lingerie was my not so guilty pleasure and that I took great delight in seeing her dressed in a sexy satin chemise, her body draped in silk, or when she wore some see-through lace.

There was one other medium sized, square box inside. It had been gifted to me by a lingerie company after my band had played at one of their catwalk events. Leaving it inside, I closed the case, stood it the right way up on the floor and wheeled it inside a closet.

My plan for our vacation was vague for the first couple of days while Daisy and I took time to reconnect, so I wanted to make sure the cabin felt romantic.

When she recovered from jet lag, we would do a spot of skiing and a few other fun snow related activities, but I’d brought Daisy to Sugarbush for a very specific reason.

After stowing the other boxes safely away in a drawer, I unpacked my clothes, and took a quick shower. After freshening up, I pulled on a fresh T-shirt with my jeans, and checked the time again on my phone. Needing something else to occupy my mind, I headed back into the family room and lit the fire.

My heart skipped a beat when I considered that Daisy would be with me soon. The view from the window in the family room would be the same as the one in our bedroom, and when I stood up and looked out of the window, I saw the clear, breathtaking view of the resort’s lights twinkling brightly in the distance below me.

“Thank you, God,” I said aloud as I took in that the snow had stopped and visibility on the mountain had been restored. I noted that the ski runs on the far side had been reopened and the flood lit paths were already teeming with skiers and snowboarders again.

It was barely 5:30 pm. but it felt more like 9:00. A text chimed on my cell in my hand and my heart flipped over when I glanced at the screen.

Felix: on our way.

Those three words instantly became my three favorite ones of the day. It had taken me some persuasion to get Daisy to agree to five days away, but I had been determined to get her alone without other distractions so that we could hash out our future together. My aim for the end of the week was to add permanency to us as a couple.

Dating from a distance had its challenges for most couples, but when Daisy’s long shifts in her pub and my rock star status were thrown into the mix, what we’d found together should never have stood a chance—and yet, here we are.

Taking the dinner out of the fridge, I turned on the oven and placed the three Pyrex dishes inside. Filling the electric kettle, I switched this on and took the box of Yorkshire tea bags I’d requested, opened one and dropped it into a white porcelain cup. One thing I knew for sure, Daisy would feel parched from the difference in altitude, and would need a hot drink after riding behind Felix up the mountain.

At some point as I waited, I’d begun to behave like a caged animal, pacing back and forth near the door in the hallway, and periodically stared out the same small picture window beside the front door. Eventually the strong beam of a headlight shone in the distance, and a couple of seconds later the snowmobile carrying the love of my life sped toward me.


“Bejesus, I almost froze my nuts off getting up here,” Daisy said through chattering teeth. She shivered as she stood in the hallway with her helmet still on her head.

I chuckled at her ballsy comment as I closed the door, turned and undid the strap under her chin. I pulled the helmet off, expecting to see her beautiful, smiling face but her face was covered by a soft, white thermal snood tucked right up near her eyes. Tugging it down, I felt shocked when I saw how red her nose and cheek bones were. What concerned me the most was that her lips had turned a dark shade of mauve.

“Damn, baby, look at you,” I exclaimed, anxious at her condition and quickly stripped her out of her ski jacket, thick ski pants and snow boots Felix had provided her with for the journey up here.

“What… the f… feck is that temp… temperature out there?” she stuttered out.

I chuckled again to hide how worried I was about her condition and noted how icy her hands felt when her hand brushed my bare neck. By then she’d stopped shivering and when she didn’t respond when my body jerked, I suspected she had become hypothermic.

“Let’s get you by the fire. I already put the kettle on, and I’ve got your favorite brand of tea,” I babbled but was deeply worried about her. I quickly scooped her up in my arms and strode toward the family room. “Felix.” My guard obviously sensed the urgency in my tone when the door from his room burst open and he stood in the doorway.

“Get in here and make Daisy a hot drink while I try to warm her up,” I demanded.

“Christ,” he muttered, as he then strode past me in his socked feet, still wearing his wet ski suit stripped down to the waist. He brought the kettle to a boil again, grabbed the milk from the fridge and prepared Daisy’s hot drink. Meanwhile after sitting her down in front of the fire, I ran and found a thick blanket, covered her with it and pulled her into my lap on the floor. With the heat of my body and the blanket around her, I rubbed her legs and arms to bring heat back to her body.

“Daisy? Talk to me,” I barked. My tone sounded sharp, but Daisy’s response didn’t reflect the usual snarky response I’d have gotten from her in this instance.

“Mm?” she mumbled and snuggled down further into the blanket.

“No, baby, you can’t go to sleep,” I said, tapping her thigh harder and shaking her a little. Felix dropped down beside me and held the drink to her lips. “Take a sip of tea,” I coaxed. “You did cool it a bit?” I asked Felix at the same time.

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