Page 27 of Resist Me

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“Only one? And you are presuming I’ll let you?” I grinned when he tilted his head to the side and considered my response for a moment.

“They’re moving, James,” I prompted, pointing out his distraction.

Switching back into drive, we pulled away slowly and he eyed me quickly again. “Oh, you’ll let me … you’ll be begging for it by the time I’m done.”

“Damn, you’re sure of yourself,” I mocked, laughing again.

“Nope, just sure of you … ‘Oh, James, just like that … Oh, right there … keep doing that,’” he teased, moaning and making mewling noises in between.

“I have a good mind to keep my legs closed all day just to spite you for that,” I said, pretending to be irked by his comment.

“Bet you don’t. That would be like biting your own nose off in order to spite your face,” he said laughing.

“That’s it. Stop the car, I’m getting out,” I joked, as we pulled into Sawyer and Billie’s driveway. He laughed heartily and stopped, pushed down on the emergency brake, and turned to face me as far as the steering wheel would allow.

“You want me to take you home or do you want to come for a ride on me …” He shook his head quickly as if to correct himself. “I mean my boat … a ride with me on my boat.” I stared intently, loving how happy he made me and tilted my head, as if I were considering his choices. “Don’t stretch your neck like that, unless you want me to bite it,” he added, nodding toward the flesh I’d exposed.

“You’re not endearing yourself to me, James,” I mocked, and suddenly the connection we had made us fall serious.

Leaning across he swept wisps of hair from my face and tucked them behind my ear. His tender touch and intense stare floored me. “I’m not, eh?” he asked quietly. His low seductive tone made my pulse instantly soar.

“Oh,” I scoffed, “get out of this car before I really do ask you to take me home to teach you a lesson.” I’d been joking of course, wild horses couldn’t have dragged me away from him and the thought of an afternoon on the ocean.

“Hm, a lesson, sounds intriguing … you drive a hard bargain, Ms. Mattison,” he teased again. “Okay, I’m doing as you ask, but if any of those kids happen to be home and they ask if they can come with us, we’re on pirate patrol today and the mayor of the town said all kids must stay at home.”

I chuckled as he opened his door, got out, and pulled a bag from the trunk. As I got out of the passenger side, he leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “That excuse I just gave you extends to Sawyer and Billie as well. You’re bright enough to adapt the sentence to fit the audience.” I laughed. Winking at me, he grabbed my hand, and we made our way inside.

As luck would have it, Sawyer had taken the kids to an ice-cream parlor and so we made a quick getaway on the boat alone. The weather was stunning, and once I had changed into the bikini James had packed for me, I spread out on a lounger in the sun.

Around ten minutes out, he killed the engine and changed into some blue-colored board shorts and joined me on the back deck. Carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses, he placed them down on the small table beside the double lounger.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he said with a tight smile, as he crouched down and gave me a quick kiss before doing the drinks. There was something about his behavior I couldn’t put my finger on, but I had found it a little unnerving. Pouring the wine in both glasses, he placed the bottle in a cooler in the shade and settled down beside me.”

“How does it taste?” he asked, when he saw me sipping the champagne.

“Good, not too sweet, medium dry?” I asked regarding the flavor.

“Yeah, it’s from a California vineyard … a pet project my father’s been investing in.” Taking a sip of his own, he looked out toward the horizon. Sitting quietly, we enjoyed the sound of the waves for a few minutes until I heard him inhale a long breath. “I know your mom just died and you only buried her …” My heart pumped wondering if he had been about to propose to me, but when my eyes met his he looked as if what he was about to say would upset me.

“Yeah?” I asked, not sure my heart could have taken another hit.

“I’ve tried not to push you this past year, but it’s my mom’s birthday tomorrow. I know the timing sucks, but if you’re up to it, I’d like to take you home to formally meet my family. I was going to suggest we go to The Hamptons for the celebration last week, but we got the news about your mom. We missed it last year because my parents were on a cruise, and you weren’t in a good place anyway, and we also missed Christmas with them. This time, I don’t want to go alone, and I can’t miss it. Your experience with your mom has taught me how amazing mine has been, and she deserves better from me.”

“You’ve never asked me to go before …”

“I know, that was because you were in therapy and I didn’t want to add to the pressure of what you were dealing with. Truth is, I’m tired of fielding questions about why I haven’t taken you to meet everyone, and I’d really love them to know you properly. Before Denver, I’d been doing better at visiting my sisters and their families, but since I met you again … not that I’m complaining. We’ve been caught up in life and one another, but I can’t neglect them any longer. They were used to me not being around much when I was with Charlotte, but since then I’d been doing better at keeping in touch.”

“Of course, I’ll go with you. You should never have neglected your family because of me.”

Relief immediately relaxed his face and his stern worried expression dissolved in front of my eyes. “Great,” he beamed, flashing a sheepish smile that told me he was embarrassed. “Thanks, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Tammy and Caitlin, their families too, for that matter. I’ve … missed the kids,” he disclosed hesitantly. “They’re all flying in this weekend for the celebration. The timing sucks, but I’m really glad you want to come with me.”

“Oh, what will I wear? It’s a massive deal being taken to ‘meet the parents.’ It must mean you’re serious about me,” I teased.

“Serious? Baby, we’re as serious as it gets. Besides, my mom will be out buying a hat for the wedding. I’ve never taken a woman home. Me taking you home to them will be a massive deal to everyone.”

“You took Charlotte,” I reminded him before I’d thought better of it.

“Yeah, but that wasn’t really on my say-so. You know the story. She had hung around our house since she was a kid, her family and mine go way back. I didn’t take her there by choice. Taking you home with me is very different,” he told me and smiled.

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