Page 71 of Resist You

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“Don’t you need a bit more time to think—”

“James, I’ve been thinking for thirty years about this, another day of deliberation isn’t going to matter. That back there was a shock, that’s all. If she’s mine, someone had better make sure she is, because I can’t go through this twice.”

Reaching over, I took her hand and laced her fingers in mine. I gave it a small squeeze in reassurance. “Done. I’ll get the ball rolling as soon as Marnie contacts her. If she agrees, I’ll get on it first thing tomorrow. It won’t take long to check facts; then you can make a decision where this goes next.”

“I want her name, James. No, I need her name. All these years I have only known her as Baby Mattison because that’s how they referred to her in that place. I never got the opportunity to name her… my mom said I shouldn’t do that because they’d change it anyway.”

Bringing her hand to my mouth I kissed her knuckles. “As soon as I know anything, you’ll know. Let’s get your mom out of the way first. Would you consider me being there or close by when you talk to her?”

“For moral support?” she asked, her eyes wide with surprise that I would have wanted to be there.

“Because I love you,” I replied, “because when you hurt, I hurt.” She nodded, shrugged her shoulders, and sighed.

“Let me think about it, okay?” I nodded, not wanting to push a point, she had been through enough for one day.

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