Page 70 of Resist You

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A muscle ticked in Franco’s jaw and I immediately sensed it was a sensitive subject for him.

“Whatever. You’d have to talk to the girl you got in touch with, see what she thinks, Marnie, but I’m happy for your guys to have a look into mine.” It became apparent I wasn’t the only poker face on that patio. I could tell he aimed for a deliberately casual sounding reply, but he’d given no external clue as to how he had really felt about my offer.

“All right,” I replied, calmly. “Email her tomorrow and tell me what she says. What’s your cell phone number?” I asked pulling my cell out of Tricia’s purse. “You can call me or text me the details.” Marnie told me her number and we heard it ring inside the house.

“Cell’s ringing, Marnie,” her mom called out. Glancing at my phone again, I stood. “Tricia’s taking her time, but we need to get going. We’re heading back up to New York and I have work tomorrow. It’s been great spending time with you.” I smiled. “You have my number now, Marnie. Maybe we can arrange something soon for you and Franco to come and spend a day with us.” Tricia’s sister stood and hugged me, it felt warm and genuine. “Franco,” I said, extending my hand which he shook from his seat.

“Next time,” he replied by way of a goodbye and nodded.

Gathering up Tricia’s things I headed into the house just in time to see her come out of what I figured was a restroom some way down the hallway.

“Thanks for the food, Betty, it was awesome.”

“Leaving so soon?” Lester asked.

I tried to look disappointed that we had to leave and nodded. “Sunday. We’ve got to head into the city. I’d rather get home before dark so we can relax before I have to go into work tomorrow.”

“I understand, son,” he said, as I waved Tricia over and tucked her into my side.

“We must do this again soon,” I suggested, even though that would be up to Tricia. I had no issue with Lester, as he was a very nice guy, but I had red flags waving when it came to Tricia’s mom, Betty.

* * *

Taking charge, I knew Tricia had to be gotten out of her parents’ house as fast as was possible without raising suspicions that something was wrong. Watching as she smiled and hugged everyone gave me a crushing pain in my chest when I considered how brave she had been all those years, and the callous way her mom had dealt with her and her baby.

The house was still visible when Tricia broke down in tears and as soon as we had driven out of sight, I stopped the car and hugged her tightly.

“Fuck, baby, I’m so sorry that happened.” My voice broke and I swallowed down a lump threatening to choke me.

“What did she say?”

“Who?” For a moment I was confused until it clicked, she had left the room without hearing my plan.

“Oh, Marnie? Okay… so here’s what we know. A girl has contacted Marnie, saying Marnie is her maternal aunt. Baby, I don’t know exactly how it works, but we’ll find out. I know you’re not ready for this yet, but the chances are this girl is related to you.” Tricia looked ashen, the shock clearly visible on her face.

“I lost most of what I ate just now,” she mumbled. “My stomach and my throat are raw. I can’t think, I can’t…” She burst into tears and my heart ached for all years she had tortured herself.

“Stop. Listen. This is how I see it. You’ll finally get closure … did you ask your mom about meeting you in New York?”

Tricia nodded. “Next Saturday,” she confirmed.

“Good, and you still want to go ahead with that?” She nodded again. “Right, now let me tell you what I’ve found out while you were in the restroom. When we get home, you can decide whether I deal with it or not. You’re in the driver’s seat all the way, baby. You have come this far, and I won’t allow anything to interfere with what you need.”

When Tricia looked calmer, I set off for home, both of us staring straight ahead, but my mind was racing about what do to next.

During the ride back to the city, I explained what I’d told Marnie and when I’d finished, I told Tricia I’d leave it with her to think about. I said I’d go ahead and deal with Franco’s inquiry because that had nothing to do with anything else. Even if Tricia decided not to do anything about the girl, I had committed to try to help Franco.

“Did she tell you her name?” Tricia asked, when I’d finished. It wasn’t something I’d even thought about doing.

“No. Do you want to know it?”

When she bounced the back of her head against the headrest, I saw how difficult her internal struggle was. I couldn’t imagine for one minute what was happening inside her mind or how she felt about it all. Thirty years of suppressed hurt was rising to the surface within Tricia, would adding a face and a name to the child in question cause her a greater dilemma?

“Do it,” she whispered.

“Huh?” I asked, taking my eyes off the road for a second to gauge the look on her face.

“Get the details from Marnie. If she’s mine and she’s looking, then I’m not going to deny my child.”

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