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Tanya’s soft voice pulls me out of my head, and I turn to face her as we wait for the elevator to reach the garage.

“Everything is going to be okay.”

I laugh, realizing that I’m not hiding my fear as well as I thought.

“I know; I love you.”

I rest my head on hers and she cups my cheek.

“I love you too; are you ready to meet your son?”



The first thing I hear when I wake up is a deep voice speaking softly across the room. I blink my eyes until I can focus them and then turn my head toward the window where my soon-to-be husband is holding our sweet baby boy in the early morning light.

The look on Chandler’s face when the nurse set him on my chest and confirmed that we had a healthy baby boy will forever be ingrained in my head. We both burst into watery laughter as we cried with joy over our son.

I keep quiet so I can listen to what Chandler is saying to him.

“You are so loved, baby boy. You have an amazing mommy and the best big sister ever.”

I watch as he brushes the back of his finger down our son’s sweet little chubby face.

“I’m your daddy, and I love you so much already. I promise that I am going to be there for you and your mommy and your sister, always. I’m going to protect you from all the bad and give you the best life I can.”

The baby starts to fuss, and I watch as Chandler starts bouncing him and shushing him.

“Is he okay?”

Chandler looks up and sees that I’m awake. He smiles at me and slowly walks over to me and places the baby in my arms.

“He’s fine. I think he’s just getting hungry.”

I snuggle him close to my chest and bring him to my breasts, helping him latch on so he can eat. I stare at his sweet little face for a moment while he eats. I still can’t believe that he’s here. He has a head of light blonde hair like his daddy’s. He has my nose and face shape.

“I can’t wait to see what color his eyes are going to be.”

Right now they are that newborn baby blue, but I’m hoping that he’s going to have his dad’s blue eyes.

“He looks just like you.”

Chandler settles in the chair next to the bed and leans his arm next to my legs to rest his head in his propped hand, staring at us. I make sure the baby is settled, then reach over and cup Chandler’s chin.

“How are you doing, Dad?”

His eyes are soft, and he hasn’t stopped smiling all night.

“I’m perfect. How are you feeling?”

“I’m perfect.”

We smile goofily at each other, our son having his fill of milk.

“We have an anxious little girl outside waiting to meet her baby brother. Are you ready for her to come in now that you’ve gotten some rest?”

I’m itching to see Sophia and watch her meet the baby.

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