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“Let’s let him finish eating and get him settled before we bring her in. I don’t want him to be crying when she first meets him.”

In perfect timing, he unlatches from me and starts squirming around, Chandler sits up and takes him from me to burp him.

“What do you want to name him? We never talked about names.”

We thought we had another month before he was going to be here, but that just goes to show that nothing in life goes as planned and you should prepare for anything.

We bounce names back and forth as Chandler burps the baby, and once we settle on one and get him swaddled and comfortable in my arms, he leaves the room to get Sophia. When they get back to the room Sophia looks so nervous.

“Hey, baby girl. Do you want to meet your brother?”

She nods excitedly, and Chandler helps her to carefully climb onto the bed next to me. I watch her face as she stares at his face. She gently reaches over and touches his nose with the tip of her finger.

“Do you want to hold him?”

She looks between us, and I can see the nerves she’s feeling.

“Can I?”

I nod and shift the baby so that I can place him in her arms and still support his head while she holds him.

They say that when you have a second child, your firstborn starts to look bigger, older, and in this moment, I can see what they mean. Sophia looks so much older holding her little brother.

“What’s his name?”

Chandler and I smile at each other as he leans over and moves the blanket away from the baby’s face.

“Sophia, this is your little brother, Benjamin Blake Bishop.”

She smiles up at Chandler, and seeing the three loves of my life huddled together makes my heart grow with so much love.

“Baby BB.”

I laugh at the nickname, and it startles Benjamin. He starts to squirm in Sophia’s arms and fuss, so Chandler takes him from her and now that both her and my arms are free, I pull her to me and hold her as we watch her daddy and baby brother.

I sit holding my little girl, watching my fiancé hold our little boy, and I don’t think it’s possible for me to feel any happier.

I think over everything that has happened over the years, and it amazes me that this is where we’ve ended up. Chandler and I are going to get married in just a couple of months. We have two beautiful children and family and friends who love us.

“We should start letting everyone come and see him.”

Chandler makes a face, and Sophia giggles.

“Do we have to? I like it being just the four of us; as soon as we let my mother in, she’s going to take him from me and not let me hold him.”

Sophia and I burst into laughter, and Chandler just rolls his eyes at us.

“Fine, I’ll go get them. Just let me rock him back to sleep.”

He gets Benjamin to sleep and places him in the bassinet by the bed. Just within my reach if I need to get to him. He kisses all of us on the head and reluctantly leaves the room. Sophia giggles the whole time.

I turn her to face me.

“So, how are you feeling about all of this, big sissy?”

She smiles shyly at me and shrugs.


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