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The thought strikes me as funny, but it’s also fascinating how she’s still the woman I knew and yet so different at the same time. Little things, like her fear of heights, have been showing themselves, and I find comfort in the things that remind me of the woman before the accident.

“You have access to the roof?”

“Yep, there are only two ways to get to it. A staircase in my place and a service elevator for the staff to reach it.”

She nods, still looking nervous to be so close to the windows. I take pity on her and close the curtains again.

“Come on, I want to show you to your rooms.”

I take Sophia’s hand and lead them through the hallway to the right of the living room, but before we can get to the room, my phone chimes in my pocket. I pull it out and see it’s from Jillian.

“I’m actually going to have to leave you two to explore the place on your own. It’s work, and it seems that there is some kind of emergency that I’m going to have to take care of. You guys look around, set your things up, and I will be back tonight.”

I put my phone away, and Sophia looks up at me with a sad expression.

“But what about the surprise on the roof?”

I kneel down in front of her and nudge her chin with my knuckle.

“I’ll just have to show you another day. I’m glad you two are here. I’ll see you later.”

I stand and head back to the main area, Tanya and Sophia shuffling behind me. I can hear Tanya whispering to Sophia about something. When I reach the front door, I turn to smile at them and find Sophia wrapped in her mother’s arms, her head resting on her stomach and a frown on her face. Tanya’s expression makes me pause for a moment. She has placed a mask of indifference on her face, but I can see the anger burning in her eyes.

I want to ask her what’s happened, but my phone starts ringing, so I have to answer it and get going. I make a mental note to ask her about it later before turning and leaving the apartment. I’m completely unaware of how leaving right then was a colossal mistake.



This weekend is supposed to be the first of many that Sophia and I are going to spend in this new apartment. I wanted to do a trial run before we stayed more than a few days. I know that Chandler wants us to move into his place, especially since we are supposed to be engaged and getting married, but there is still something holding me back.

A sense of trepidation has settled in the pit of my stomach, and no matter what I do, I can’t shake it. The way he just blew off Sophia about seeing the roof for work doesn’t make the feeling any better either. I watch him walk out of the apartment with her in my arms, sniffling and on the verge of tears, and the rage I feel is making my blood boil.

This isn’t how parents are supposed to act, and he has another thing coming if he thinks he can just put things off. A noise from the kitchen reminds me that we are not alone. I turn and make eye contact with Lisa, and she gives me a sympathetic smile. I lean down and kiss the top of Soph’s head and pat her back so she will let go of my waist.

“Are you hungry, baby?”

She nods solemnly at me, and my heart breaks at her sadness. Lisa is just finishing putting the food away, and when I set Sophia up at the huge island that is in the middle of the kitchen and living room, she turns to face us.

“Would you like me to cook you something? I can make whatever you want.”

It’s sweet of her to offer, but I’m not comfortable having someone take care of us when I’m perfectly capable of doing so myself.

“Thank you, but I think I’ll handle it. It’s a lot to take in, and I think some normalcy will be good for the both of us.”

I smile at her, hoping to soften the blow of the rejection.

“Of course. I understand.”

She looks like she wants to say more, but stops when she looks over at Soph.

“Do you mind if I say something?”

My stomach flip-flops at her question.

“Uh, sure.”

She walks to the end of the kitchen, a good distance away, where, with our voices pitched low, Sophia won’t hear us.

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