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“Holy shit.”

I never thought I would see the day where Joshua Sanders would be at a loss for words.

“I know, her name is Sophia. In a matter of minutes, I found out that Tanya is alive and that I have a kid. It’s why I’m not back yet. I’m driving back now for some meetings, but I left her my number to get in contact with me. I bought them an apartment in my building; Tanya doesn’t feel comfortable yet to move back in, but I’m not going to let them get away.”

A thought starts to form, and I know that it will be the only way I can make sure that Tanya and Sophia will be with me from now on.

“Wait, slow down. How can you be sure that all of this is even true? Are you sure the kid is yours? Are you sure she really has amnesia? Why was she driving to Willow Creek in a car that wasn’t yours without all her things?”

I don’t like that he’s making it seem that Tanya is faking everything, and I’m not about to let him talk about her like that.

“That kid is Sophia, and I’m sure. Why would she lie about it? Besides, once you meet her and see how much she looks like I did as a kid, you’ll see it. I have things that I need to get done. I’ll talk to you later this week.”

I hit the end button before he can say anything. For the rest of the drive, I make a few phone calls to move things around, mostly to Jillian. I want to make sure that I can come back to Willow Creek at the end of the week. I don’t want to give Tanya any time to doubt us, and I have a proposal for her.

Once I make it back to the office, I don’t have time to do any of my planning, let alone think. We had to move most of my meetings to this afternoon and tomorrow morning so that I can take Friday off.

I finally get a break around four, and I’m telling Jillian what to get me to eat since I haven’t had anything since this morning when my phone chimes with an incoming text. I absentmindedly pull my phone out and open it as I continuing telling Jillian what I want.

“Get a side of fries too, and whatever you want for yourself.”

I stop talking when I finally look down at my phone, and I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face.

“Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that expression on your face.”

I turn my phone so that Jillian can see the screen. It’s a picture of Sophia, smiling up at the camera, what looks like ice cream on her face. A message is under the photo.

Unknown number: I figured you’d like a picture of her.

“She’s adorable. She’s got your unique eyes.”

I bring the phone back down so I can look at the picture. I told Jillian everything on the drive here, and she was just as surprised as Josh. I quickly program Tanya’s number into my phone and turn my attention back to Jillian.

“When you get that order, I need you to come up with a plan on how to keep all of this out of the papers. Call the PR department and make them aware of the situation so they can run interference. I don’t want them to be surrounded by the paparazzi if I can help it.”

She nods and collects her things. As she exits my office, closing the door behind her, I hit the green call button next to Tanya’s name. Just as I think she’s not going to answer, her voice comes through the line.


“Thank you for the picture. I love it.”

It’s an odd feeling, to be talking to Tanya on the phone again. I feel like a teenager talking to his crush for the first time.

“You’re welcome. I didn’t know if you would want it or not. I have more if you do.”

I lean back in my chair and turn to look out the window over the city.

“I would love whatever you want to send me.”

She awkwardly clears her throat.

“I also wanted to let you know that I will be telling her about everything this weekend. I can hold off until you can make it here before telling her about you, but I figured I’d get started on everything else.”

Nerves fill my stomach at the thought of telling Sophia I’m her dad so soon. I can’t help but wonder if she would be okay with it.

Would she even want me in her life?

“That’s actually perfect, I’ve cleared my day Friday and plan on driving down that morning.”

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