Page 17 of Her Healing Touch

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“Well, I came in early and did most of your work for you. There’s only the scheduling issue, and since you’ve done it for the last few days, I don’t want to mess up anything.”

“You didn’t have to do that.”

He escaped to his desk again and gazed at her hand. “Yes, I really did. If there’s anyone who knows about pain, it’s me, and you need to take it easy. Take a seat. Is there anything you need?”

She laughed to herself as she settled into the chair in front of her computer. “I’m fine. Really.”

He nodded and returned to his seat. “Okay, well let me know if I can do anything. I rescheduled my meetings for the day and am planning to work on financial issues in the office.”

“Thanks.” She turned on her computer and stared at its blank screen.

She wasn’t used to him being so attentive. Of course, he must feel guilty, but it wasn’t his fault she’d dropped coffee all over herself. It had been a slip of the wrist, but sadly, she’d had an audience there to witness it.

The schedule was half-finished when the pain twinges started again. She kept her face stoic, not wanting to worry Jason. He cast her glances every few minutes, and she refused to make a big deal out of it. But after staring at the screen for minutes on end, unable to move her hand, she knew she needed more of a break.

She stood and grabbed her purse, only wincing once as she bent to grab it with her good hand. Just having her fingers in a lowered position made them throb.

“Everything okay?” he asked, standing up.

She gestured with her bandaged hand for him to sit down as she bit back the pain. “Yes,” she managed to squeak out. “Just need a bathroom break.”

The pain had hit an unbearable level, and every second she stood there not doing something about it brought more tears to her eyes. She would not cry in front of him, not after showing such a brave front before.

She grabbed at the doorknob with her good hand and hurried out, not caring if the door swung shut or not. She chose a single-occupancy bathroom, quickly ripped off the bandages, and shoved her damaged hand under the cold water.

She sobbed as the pain electrified her fingers.

A knock sounded on the door, and she silenced herself, biting back the next round of pain.

“Hannah, can I come in? Please?”

It was Brandy, and her voice was soft and pleading.

She’d already heard—probably everyone on the floor had—and it was stupid to hide such an obvious injury.

Finally, the pain subsided for a moment, and she turned off the water and opened the door with her good hand. Then she moved back to the cool water again.

Brandy’s eyes turned into saucers as she took in Hannah’s tear-stained face.

“I’m okay,” Hannah said, half-laughing, half-crying-out. “Really. I guess the pain is just kicking in a little strong.”

“Oh, sweetie. Jason,” she called through the open bathroom door. “You were right. Come here.”

Hannah’s heart fell to her stomach. “Wh—”

Jason stood with Dr. Mendella from the previous day. Just seeing the medical professional sent more tears to her eyes.

“Why don’t we go back to my exam room?”

“Okay,” she mumbled.

“Thanks, Brandy,” Jason said, moving away from the entrance of the bathroom to give them space to exit. “We’ve got it from here.”

“Take care of her,” Brandy called.

Dr. Mendella gave Hannah a sympathetic look. “I’m guessing the pain delay is over.”

Tears swam in her vision, and she blinked them away. “It’s unbearable,” she whispered, not trusting her voice.

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