Page 18 of Her Healing Touch

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He nodded and grabbed a few paper towels. “I need to peel off some of the damaged skin, and then we’ll rebandage you up.”

“Peel?” Fear rose in her throat, choking her voice.

“I’ll stay with you,” Jason said, coming to her side. He didn’t touch her, but she still felt his warmth. The bathroom suddenly seemed very small with the three of them, and he seemed to notice. His Adam’s apple bobbed, and he looked to the doctor in desperation.

“Okay,” she said with as much courage as she could muster. “Let’s go.”

She followed the doctor, Jason followed her, and their single-file line attracted every available eye in the office. She tried not to whimper as the pain kicked in again. Her lip was quickly becoming a dog’s used chew toy and would soon be good for nothing.

The walk took forever, and by the time they reached the exam room, she was gasping in pain. The doctor frowned as he prepared a simple bath of cool water. “Let’s soak your hand for a little longer and then start.”

Hannah swallowed down the painful knot and nodded, knowing it had to be done. She caught Jason’s gaze. He was pressed against the door, a look of horror on his face. So much for holding back. She’d officially ruined whatever brave image he had of her. She was just as weak as the next person.



Jason stared, horror-struck at the sight in front of him. Having avoided anything that would bring him pain, being so careful and sheltered for so long, he’d never seen a sight so terrible. He didn’t even like watching the news.

His mind and heart warred with each other as he debated where to be—by her side or clinging to the door, ready to escape at the first invitation. But even he knew he couldn’t leave. The guilt was so heavy on his shoulders, it seemed to paralyze him.

“You can go,” Hannah called to him as the doctor pulled out a pair of scissors and forceps and raised them over her hand. “I’m sure you have things to do, and I’ll be okay. It’ll be mostly dead skin so there’s a chance I won’t feel much.”

“That is doubtful at this level,” the doctor said.

Jason saw her gulp, and her eyes watered again. And then he knew. He could no longer stand as a coward by the door, no matter how much it pained him. He deserved whatever punishment she gave him.

He forced himself to move his heavy feet, one step at a time, closer. He reached out to hold her free hand and then immediately pulled back and balled his hand at his side.

The doctor made his first motion, and Jason heard the tiny, painful sounds of skin peeling. But instead of crying, her gaze was fixed on him. She raised an eyebrow and held her free hand out to him. “Will you?”

Doctor Mendella stopped and stared at her. “He doesn’t—”

“I’m trying,” he said suddenly.

She lowered her hand, but before it hit her lap, he reached for it. Just the touch of her skin sent pain radiating through his hand, probably equal to her second-degree burns. Immediately, he dropped it. And then bravely, he reached out again, this time tightening his fingers around hers and holding on.

In seconds, the sensation subsided to a dull pain.

Her hand was calloused, and he marveled at the feel of her skin in his. He was doing it! Not a three-second handshake, but he was actually holding someone’s hand.

“Are you okay?” she whispered.

He glanced up and saw the small pile of dead skin the doctor had already removed. “I should be asking you that.”

“Uh, right.” She looked down at her hand. “I guess I was a little distracted.”

“Does it hurt?” he asked, ignoring a sudden burst of pain.

“Yes, but it’s surprisingly manageable with you here.”

His cheeks burned with heat, and for a moment, he forgot about everything else.

“Sorry about my hands. I’m very active at my PE class, and I do taekwondo once a week.”

He stared at her, amazed by this new information. He’d never tried anything so daring.

The doctor noticed their joined hands and nearly dropped his instruments. “Well, I’d say today proves the theory I’ve had all along, Jason. Your pain is neurological, not neuropathic.”

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