Page 13 of Her Healing Touch

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Jason’s eyebrows drew together as he stared at his computer screen, not even bothering to glance her way. “What does it look like? Rueben said you needed to be nearby, so he found this ancient thing in some storage closet. And here it is. You are to work in here from now on. Not that I get much of a say in the matter.” He mumbled that last part.

Anger bubbled in her chest. All this time, she had been asked to set up at a temporary space, far away from his office, and now Rueben was forcing them together. She wasn’t even sure if Jason’s grandpa was sane at this point. Jason hated her, and she still wasn’t sure why.

“Have I done something wrong?”

He gave her a puzzled expression. “Excuse me?”

If she was going to spend the next few hours, weeks, months—however long it took her to learn what she needed to from the job—she needed to clear the air.

“Look, I’m really sorry about the shirt. If you want, I can get a better looking one.”

“I have moved on from that . . . incident.”

Clearly, he hadn’t. “Really? Because it seems like you’re mad at me. Have I done something? Said something?”

He sighed and stood up. As usual, he wore a button-up shirt, tie, and khakis. Unlike many in the office, his dress code was always professional. And if he wasn’t such a stick-in-the-mud, he would be exactly the type of man she was interested in. Handsome and put together. Well, that was until he opened his mouth.

“Do you think this is right? That your boss is forcing you into this? It just makes you angry, and I am the target of that anger.”

He stared at her for a long minute. Then he dropped his shoulders. “No, I don’t think this is the best idea, but I respect my grandpa. Until he says otherwise, you will remain in here... by me.”

He involuntarily shivered as he added the last part.


“And I’ll be giving you more responsibilities.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, completely messing it up. “It seems Rueben is ready to hand me his job in a few months. I’ll be training nonstop and will need you to be prepared to help out.”

“Yes, sir.”

He gave her a once-over before returning his attention to his computer. Turning her back to him, she stowed away her purse in the bottom drawer of her desk and then tapped her fingers on its cool surface as she waited for instructions.

“I put a list of the new responsibilities you’ll have in the first drawer.”

She opened it and found a packet full of information. On top was a one-page, handwritten list of bulleted items, single-spaced, microscopic font. She gulped and skimmed the list.

“You’ll check in with me at the beginning of each day and before you leave. You’ll arrange any meetings I have, make calls to set up any interviews, and be in charge of all documents. You’ll be my eyes and ears for the office as well and will need to organize any comments or complaints in order of pertinence.”

She nodded. “Where should I start first?”

“You’ll start by studying. When you’re done, there are step-by-step tutorials to walk you through the online scheduling system. Everything you need to know is in the packet—how to access documents, how to arrange appointments, everything. The laptop in the second drawer is yours to use while here. Since Rueben is insistent that you stay near me, you’ll be doing it in here.” Then he added, “Silently.”

Studying was a cinch. “Got it.”

After setting up her laptop and logging into the system, she opened her drawer and grabbed the first highlighter she saw. She started on page one of the packet and inwardly groaned at the small print. It was going to be a long day.

Time moved slowly as she sat as still as she could at the desk. It was nearly impossible. Even her teachers in school had reprimanded her for her constant tapping, talking, and excessive movement. But somehow, the hours passed with only a few scathing looks shot in her direction. The information was helpful but dull as dirt.

When Jason finally stood up and excused her at the end of the day, she nearly ran from the office. Once outside, she yawned loudly and stretched her arms. “Thank the heavens that’s over.” If she had to do that every day, maybe quitting wasn’t such a bad idea.

Rueben’s warning not to give up flashed through her mind like a speeding truck. No, she had to do this. Somehow. Jason needed her, and until he learned to trust her, she wasn’t giving in.



Jason stared at his two-week notice, which he was currently typing, and tried not to flinch at every single sound Hannah made. No matter what she did, she was noisy. In addition to his being sensitive to touch when she was around, he was acutely aware of her every move too, and it nearly drove him crazy.

He could’ve taken breaks away from her, but his personal office was his shelter. His safe spot. Or it had been. Leaving his office meant running into foot traffic, hearing the constant noise of a doctor’s office, and risking exposure to even more people making noise.

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