Page 12 of Her Healing Touch

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“You doing okay?” Brandy asked as Hannah pored over medical records, making sure everything was accurate. In the last hour, she’d only had to change one address and three phone numbers.

“Yeah, I guess.”

“I know he’s a little prickly, but Jason is really one of the most respected men in this building. He’s efficient and”—she lowered her voice—“he backs us up when we have fussy clients. You’ll be grateful for him if he ever comes to your rescue.” Brandy winked and glanced at his office, where he stayed most hours of the day, especially when Hannah was there.

Hannah raised an eyebrow. “Well, that may be for people he likes, but I think I ruined everything the day I splattered him with paint. He looks at me like I’m a bug.”

Brandy patted her on the shoulder. “He just doesn’t like to be touched, by anything or anyone. But that might change one day.”

She raised an eyebrow. Did everyone know about his issue? It wasn’t her place to talk about Jason’s weaknesses or what she had been hired to do. Which... she still wasn’t positive what her responsibilities were. Right now, it just seemed like every other office job. She pulled away from the desk and stretched. “I need a break.”

“It’ll get better soon. Don’t give up.” Brandy patted Hannah’s shoulder again and returned to her desk.

Oh, she wasn’t going to give up. She didn’t give up on anything until she’d mastered it. And to do that, she needed Rueben’s help.

After searching the floor for him, she found him outside an office, munching away on the fresh cake-batter macarons she’d given him that morning.

“Aha,” she said, “you’re caught.”

He nearly dropped the plate of cookies. “Good gracious, I almost spilled my lunch.”

She giggled and sat in a chair across from him. “Do you like the cake-batter ones better than the lemon ones?”

“Mmm,” he said, stuffing another one in his mouth. “These are divine. You should go into the baking business. I would buy these in a heartbeat.”

“Nah, it would take the fun right out of it. I like to bake for others as a service.”

“Well, I’m glad we hired you.”

She laughed to herself and looked down at her hands. “Speaking of that, I don’t think I’m doing such a good job.”

“That can’t be. Jason hasn’t said anything.”

She lifted her head. Well, that was surprising. “I know we talked about this the other day, but it hasn’t gotten better. He wants nothing to do with me. I try to help him, but he gives me assignments that are far away from his office.”

Rueben nodded. “That’s to be expected. He’s very careful not to touch anything or anyone. It’s overstimulating for him.”

Complete polar opposites. “Are you sure I’m the right one for the job?”

Rueben put the plate of cookies aside and sat up in his chair. “I do. A perfect fit, even. He needs someone to push him, break him out of his box. I think you’re the most qualified to do that. You’re cheerful and positive, and you get along with everyone.”

“Except him,” she muttered. “Maybe he needs a therapist.”

“He has one.” Rueben sighed. “We’ve been down every avenue, which is why I’m taking a different approach. I know it’s unorthodox, but please bear with him. As soon as you earn his trust, he’ll start to rely on you. And believe me, when I retire, he’ll need someone to lean on.”

She nodded, determined to keep going, regardless of whether Jason wanted her there or not. “You can count on me.”

“Attagirl. Now, tell me, have you ever tried to make raspberry macarons?”

Hannah grinned. “Of course. I’ll save them as a retirement present.”

He grinned. “You’re on.”

After a blissful weekend and a few classes at the school, Hannah dragged herself to work Monday afternoon. Hannah stared at Jason’s office door, willing herself to go in. After having a few days off, she hadn’t wanted to return, but there she was. The next four hours would snail by, but she was no quitter. She inhaled deeply, then knocked on the door.

“Enter,” Jason called to her.

She inhaled deeply and then gasped as she stepped inside and saw a tiny desk that nearly blocked the door. “What is this?” She reached out and skimmed her fingers along the top of the desk, relishing its cool touch.

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