Page 11 of Her Healing Touch

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Rueben looked at him, and then at her again. “Yes. And he has trouble with the smallest touches. He needs someone who can help him navigate through this and can be understanding of his inabilities. I know this is not a typical office job, but that’s why I think you’re perfect for it.”

“Grandpa, I can do this.”

His grandpa slapped the table. “Really? Well, then should I just retire today and you can take over? Would you like to manage interviews and meetings with doctors? Would you be fine with people coming in and out of your office all day instead of you hiding like a recluse? Should I tell the CEO you’re capable of everything I’ve been doing in your stead?”

Jason swallowed. When he said it like that, he seemed so incapable... and in front of Hannah.

“That’s what I thought. Hannah, what do you say? Will you be my grandson’s hands and help ease him into this position? It won’t be a forever position, mind you, just until he can find his bearings.”

Hannah looked down at the table, her eyebrows moving up and down in concentration.

Anger and... desperation trickled through Jason. Of course he didn’t want to be like this forever, but he hadn’t allowed himself to hope. With everything out on the table, he must seem like a sad sack to work for.

Hannah lifted her chin and stared right at him.

Please don’t take the job. You can’t help me.

She nodded once. “I... will do my best.”

His grandpa smiled broadly. “You’re hired, Hannah. When can you start?”

Jason slapped a hand on the table, causing his skin to buzz. “Wha—”

“Ah, I do have a bit of a scheduling issue,” she said, cutting him off.

So, there was still room to hope? Jason stretched back in his chair. “What’s that?”

“I’m a PE teacher and have certain hours I have to be at the school. Until the end of the year, I’ve committed to two hours in the morning, three days a week. Some days I may even have to work more if I have to sub for other classes. But I’m usually done by one or two, even if I have to work.”

Rueben nodded. “That’ll be all right. We’ll just pay you for the hours you log.” He stood and grabbed the plate of cookies. “If Jason doesn’t appreciate them. I’ll take them. I’ll leave you with Jason. Since you two will be working together, you’ll need to stay behind and work out a tentative schedule, at least for this week.”

“Wait, Rueben, you can’t be serious.”

“Back to calling me Rueben, I see.” He raised his bushy eyebrows. “Well, soon that won’t be an issue. Get feisty all you want, but you know you need someone’s help.”

Jason stood and came face-to-face with his boss. Rueben laid a hand on his shoulder, something he never did, and Jason focused on not flinching away.

“Son, it’s time to grow out of that shell you’ve built around yourself. I think Hannah is the key to making that happen. She’ll be a great addition to the office, and when I start laying more responsibilities on you, you’ll be glad you have someone you can trust.”

“I’m happy to help,” she said.

Jason turned his glare on her as Rueben took his plate of cookies and made a speedy exit.

No matter what, he was going to make sure that by the end of the next week, she’d be looking forward to another job—far away from his office.



A porcupine was the perfect description of her new boss. He wasn’t mean, per se, but he was prickly. Hannah usually got along with everyone, but the first week under Jason’s watchful eyes proved to be the most challenging job she’d ever taken, and that included the call center where her boss forced her to stare at a screen and only allowed her to talk to her coworkers on scheduled breaks.

Jason grunted at every assignment he wanted done, and kept her far from his office most times of the day, which was perfectly fine with her. The jobs he tasked her with were so mind-numbingly menial, she wasn’t sure why she’d even been hired. Surely, he could’ve made copies, run errands, and looked over files for any discrepancies.

She’d said as much to Rueben at the end of the first day. “I’m not sure what I am even supposed to help him with. He barely lets me stick around him.”

“That’s because I am still here, doing what he’ll soon be doing. We’re giving him some time to warm up to you. Just do what he says for now, and soon, really soon, I’m sure he’ll be needing you more and you’ll see exactly how you can help him.”

Thankfully, the other receptionists made her life bearable. All the women in the office were friendly to her, especially Brandy. She was motherly and seemed especially interested in making sure Hannah was successful at her job.

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