Page 10 of Her Healing Touch

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He put the mostly uneaten cookie back on the plate and picked up the résumé again. “Should we get started?”

Rueben shook his head. “Jason needs a little culture. That was one heck of a macaron. If you work half as well as you bake, we’re off to a great start. How about you tell us a little bit about yourself and why you think you’d be a good fit.”

“Well, honestly, I’m probably not going to be your best fit.”

Jason stared at her. Without the need to protest, she’d just ruined any chances of being hired.

“But I will work hard,” she said. “I like to say I’m a Jill of all trades. I’ve been a PE teacher, an artist—as you saw yesterday—a waitress, and a baker. You’ll see on my résumé that I’ve worked at a dozen places in the last few years and have many referrals.”

“Why so many?” Jason asked.

She laughed. “I guess because I’m so curious about life. Even though I haven’t stayed long at any particular job, I have good relationships with everyone I’ve worked with, and hopefully, they will assure you that I’m a worker worth hiring. I like experiencing new things, and I saw your flier for the job yesterday at the blood drive. It may take me a while to catch on, but I've always wanted to try an office job.”

Jason scoffed. Was this a joke to her? Rueben tapped Jason’s toe under the table, and Jason coughed and asked a question. “What skills do you have that might help you in an office position?”

“Well, I’m a whiz with a computer, having learned most of my office skills at other jobs. I learn quickly and am dependable. And I am a big people person. That’s probably my best quality.”

“Excellent,” Rueben said. “That’s actually exactly what we’re looking for, especially given that the person you’ll be working with is a bit of a porcupine.”

Hannah opened her mouth in surprise.

“Maybe I should preface this all by saying I am Jason’s grandpa.”

“Rueben,” Jason snapped.

“She’s going to find out anyway, and she has to know why I’m not acting like a normal boss.”

“Why aren’t you acting like a normal boss?” he asked through gritted teeth.

Rueben sighed. “Because I’m worried about my grandson. Without me here as a buffer, I’m worried he’s going to get raked over the coals. I need someone to understand a few things about him and stand by him when he’s struggling.”

“Grandpa, you didn’t say anything about this.”

“I know, but upper management is not going to take kindly to your inability to shake hands or connect with others. We need a warm, friendly person to help you learn the ropes. You were once a playful, light-hearted person, and I want to see you return to who you once were.”

“You’re overstepping as my boss.”

“I know, and you can get me fired if you want. I only have a few months left. Maybe even less. Depends on how well you do.”

Jason swallowed down that fateful truth. In all honesty, his grandpa had protected him against certain responsibilities. But if he was leaving...

“As a grandpa, I’m showing concern as I should. She came into our lives at the perfect time, and I don’t believe in coincidences. I think someone like Hannah could help you.”

“Doctor Phillips said it’s a nerve issue,” Jason said.

“Pish. Only one of the doctors said that. Your main doctor, the specialist you see at this clinic, thinks differently. It’s neurological and something I know we can work through if you’re willing. Do you really want to be like this forever, unable to connect with people for fear of touching them?”

Hannah looked between the two of them, her eyebrows drawn in confusion.

“I guess I should explain a little bit about Jason before you agree to work with him.”

Jason glared at him. He wasn’t actually considering the woman, was he?

Rueben sighed. “Porcupines need hugs too. My grandson has always had issues with touching certain things. Sensory issues with clothes and certain textures. But as he got older, making skin-to-skin contact became painful for him.”

“Ah.” Understanding lit her eyes. “So that’s why you didn’t shake my hand.”

Jason shrank in his seat. He was never going to forgive his grandpa for this.

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