Page 83 of Secret Pucking Play

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"He's on his way too. Just stuck in some traffic."

"Great...And how about...?"

Lexi hesitates for a moment, her eyes searching mine. "He's also on his way."

I release a long breath, letting my head fall back against the pillows harder than I expected. I close my eyes and try to focus on the rhythmic beeping of the monitors, but my mind can't seem to quiet down.

Suddenly, a new voice cuts through the chaos in the room. "Hey there, beautiful."

My eyes snap open and I see my brother Gio walking into the room, looking more handsome than ever in his loaner scrubs. My heart swells with love and relief as he takes my hand.

"Hey," I manage to say through tears.

"I'm here, Gabs." He brushes a stray tear from my cheek. "I wouldn't miss this for anything."

I smile weakly and squeeze his hand. "Thanks, Gio."

I look behind his shoulder, toward the door, waiting for the one person I've been longing to see. But he's still not here.

Swallowing, I smile back at Lex at my side. "You know, I'm counting on you to be the best aunt ever."

Lexi's hazel eyes twinkle. "Are you kidding me? I'm going to spoil this little buffalo rotten. I'm going to spend every red cent of my single, childless salary on that little bundle of cuteness. You can count on it."

My heart fills with warmth, thinking about all the love and support that will surround my child. And then suddenly, as if hearing my thoughts, there he is.

Pushing Nonna Chiara forward in a wheelchair of her own, Jacob appears in the doorway. For a brief moment, time seems to stand still as we lock eyes.

His blue eyes are on me and me alone, I can see that his handsome features are carved with worry. It's as if he hasn't slept in a million years.

But when we lock eyes, his face lights up with a love so fierce that it takes my breath away.

Without a word, he starts to walk toward us, his gait slow and careful, but determined. As he reaches the bed, he takes one of my hands in his and presses a kiss to its back before meeting my eyes again.

"Gabs," he says softly, "I'm here."

My voice catches in my throat as I try to respond. The emotions are too much for me to handle at once.

"I'm sorry," he continues, reaching out to stroke my hair. "I'm so sorry I couldn't get here sooner."

"It's okay," I reply, tears of happiness streaming down my face now. "You're here now."

"Yes, we are," Nonna Chiara pipes up, her voice full of joy and pride. "We might not look like much," she glances down at her own hospital gown and then at Jacob's dry-fit top and tights, "but we are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to love."

I laugh, the tension and worry of the past few days melting away in this moment. My heart is full to bursting with love for my family.

It'd be a euphoric feeling...if my uterus wasn't feeling like it was about to burst instead. Suddenly, the contractions are back with a vengeance.

Panic starts to rise in my chest. "Shit," I say through gritted teeth, "it's happening again."

Jacob's face falls, and he turns to the nurse who has been monitoring me. "We need a doctor in here now!"

As the nurse rushes out of the room, Jacob turns back to me, his hand still holding mine tightly. "It's going to be okay, Gabs. We're all here for you."

Nonna grabs for one of my hands, and I squeeze it, giving her a smile.

"I'm okay," I assure her, trying to keep a brave face.

She gives me a doubtful look but doesn't press further. Instead, she leans over and kisses my forehead. "You're going to do great, carissima."

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