Page 82 of Secret Pucking Play

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Chapter 29


The wheelchair I'm sitting in has certainly seen better days.

Right now, it's seeing me, breathless and pushing through wave after wave of contractions that feel like they’re trying to break me in half.

The sterile smell of Chicago General Hospital is mixed with a hint of something floral.

Maybe a vase of wilting flowers somewhere nearby. Or the smell of my optimism dying with every foot the nurse pushes me forward.

My heart is racing as we approach the delivery room. It's not fear, exactly, but anticipation mixed with a healthy dose of anxiety.

I'm about to become a mother. I still can't quite wrap my head around it.

But I try not to think about that now.

My body is in overdrive, and I'm doing everything I can to stay focused on keeping this baby from making an appearance before I reach the hospital bed.

With every contraction, I grip onto the arms of the wheelchair, trying not to scream or cry. Lexi is right by my side, her usual smug grin softened with concern as she keeps pace, a nervous chuckle leaving her pink-painted lips as her heels click rapidly alongside me.

"You know, if I had known you would start having contractions on the way to the Blades arena, I would have picked up all those chicken wings we left in my living room."

I manage a weak smile. "Maybe next time."

"From that look on your face, I'm surprised you can even think about a next time."

"I'm not. I'm just thinking about how these contractions feel like a damn buffalo stampede."

"It'd be interesting if, after all that time of speculating whether or not you're having a boy or a girl, you ended up giving birth to a buffalo calf."

Lexi laughs, but it's cut off by another wave of pain that has me gripping the wheelchair even tighter.

She brushes back strands of my hair that have escaped from my messy bun. "We're almost there, Gabs. Just a little longer."

I nod, trying to breathe through the pain. We finally reach the delivery room, and the nurses quickly help me onto the bed, adjusting my gown and monitors. Lexi stands nearby, holding my hand as I focus on taking slow, deep breaths.

"You got this, girl." She squeezes. "And I'm not just saying that because I'm your best friend and contractually obligated to be here with you."

The medical team is already preparing me, moving quickly and efficiently around the room.

"I can't believe we're finally here," she whispers.

"Me neither." I squeeze her hand tightly as another contraction hits. I let out a shaky breath and try to relax my tense muscles.

But my mind keeps wandering back to the people who are not yet here.

Nonna, who's been transferred from the other side of the hospital. Gio, who Lexi says is on his way.

And, of course, Jacob.

Always Jacob.

I glance up and into Lexi's beautiful face. "Nonna's on her way, right?"

She nods. "The nurses are getting her situated in the waiting room."

"Good. And Gio?"

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