Page 29 of Secret Pucking Play

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And I can’t think straight.

All I know is my heart is pounding, and my body has decided to run on autopilot.

Somehow, instead of pushing him away—like a sane person—I find myself pulling him closer.

My hands seem to have a mind of their own as they grip his shoulders, feeling the tension in his muscles underneath my fingers.

His lips are warm and soft, and I’m a hundred percent certain I’ll never forget this moment.

Then, without fully realizing what I'm doing, I start walking backward, dragging Jacob with me.

It’s like some scene out of a fantasy, except it’s real...and happening to me. Another laugh-worthy twist? I’m pulling him inside my hotel room.

Is this what happens when you try to play fake fiancés? You end up in these bizarre, surreal situations? Because if it is, I’m definitely in over my head.

The kiss deepens, and it feels like the whole world is spinning. Jacob’s hands slide down to my waist, pulling me even closer, if that’s even possible.

We’re stumbling, half walking, half tripping toward the bed, and I’m pretty sure I’m about to lose my last ounce of sanity.

Then, we hit a roadblock. Literally.

"Shit." Jacob grunts, his foot catching on my suitcase. Before either of us can react, he loses his balance, and the damn thing topples over.

I break the kiss, both of us looking down in synchronized horror just in time to see—of all things—a bright pink dildo, neatly wrapped in plastic, tumble out and roll across the floor.

Time stands still.

For a heartbeat, we just stare at it.

Then, Jacob’s eyes lift to mine, ocean-blue and comically wide. I feel my cheeks go nuclear as I experience a burn that’s hotter than a thousand suns.

“Well,” I say, in a tone that's probably a couple of octaves too high, “that’s…not what I meant to show you first.”

I can feel my face turning every shade of red known to humanity as Jacob bends down and, with a grin that’s a mix of amusement and curiosity, picks up the offending item. Still wrapped in plastic, thank God.

“So, is this...uh, clean?” he asks, holding it up like he's just discovered a rare artifact.

“I, uh. Yes. Brand new,” I stammer, wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me whole. “I mean, obviously. Who keeps used ones in their suitcase?”

“You'd be surprised." He starts peeling the plastic off as if he’s unwrapping the most exciting Christmas present ever.

“Jacob! You’re enjoying this way too much.”

“Well, considering it’s the most interesting thing that’s happened to me all week...” He trails off, giving me a cheeky smile as he finally frees the bright pink monstrosity from its plastic prison. “Ta-da!”

“Put that thing away before I die of embarrassment,” I mutter, trying and failing to snatch it from his hand.

“Aw, come on, Gabi." He holds it just out of reach. "I think it’s cute."

“Cute? A pink dildo is cute?” I try to grab it again. “You, my friend, have a very skewed sense of ‘cute’.”

“With the right person, anything can be cute,” he counters, leaning in closer, until our noses are nearly touching. And here I thought the heat in my cheeks couldn't get any more intense.

He leans in even closer, and I can practically feel his breath on my skin.

“So, Gabi,” he says, his voice dropping to a low, seductive whisper, “have you tried it out yet?”

“Um, what?"

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