Page 30 of Secret Pucking Play

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Jacob’s grin widens. He’s definitely enjoying my discomfort. “You know, given it a test drive? And if not, would you be willing to…tonight?”

And there it is. The floor-swallowing moment.

Did he actually just suggest what I think he did? In the most casual, yet completely provocative way possible?

“Jacob, I, um…”

"Yes?” His eyes are twinkling with mischief, and despite the mortifying situation, a flutter of excitement ignites in my stomach.

Before I can respond, Jacob closes the gap between us, his lips crashing into mine in a fervent kiss.

His kiss is both urgent and tender, as if he’s been waiting for this moment just as long as I have.

I feel his hands sliding up to cup my face, thumbs grazing my cheeks, and even though I know I should be doing something other than standing here like a statue, I can’t help but melt into him.

My heart pounds so loudly I swear he can hear it, and I bury my fingers into his hair, letting out a soft sigh as he deepens the kiss.

The world around us vanishes, leaving just the two of us in this intoxicating bubble of sensation and longing.

Before I know it, Jacob is guiding me backward, and I feel the edge of the bed hit the back of my knees. We tumble onto the soft mattress in a tangle of limbs and lips, still unable to pull apart. His weight is a comforting pressure above me, grounding me even as my head spins with desire.

“Gabi,” he murmurs between kisses, his voice breathless and full of promise.

I don’t answer—I can’t.

All I can do is cling to him, my whole being united with his, as the kiss deepens and carries us both to a place neither of us wants to return from.

Jacob hovers above me, his expression shifting from playful to something deeper, more intense.

He brushes a strand of hair from my face, his thumb tenderly caressing my cheek in a way that creates a steady beat of desire pulsing between my legs.

“Gabi,” he murmurs, his voice warm and full of affection, “may I use it on you?”

My heart pounds in my chest, and I bite my lip. Looking up at him through my lashes, I nod slowly. “Y-yes."

“Good." His smile changes, the cocky grin now tinged with hooded desire. “Because I really want to make you feel amazing.”

Jacob's fingers dance along the hem of my blue dress, his touch sending shivers down my spine. "Is this okay?"

I nod, my breath hitching as he begins to lift the fabric, his eyes never leaving mine.

As my dress bunches around my waist, he hooks his fingers under the waistband of my cotton underwear.

"Still good?"

The question is yet another check-in—another opportunity for me to stop this. Stop him.

But I couldn’t if I tried. I don’t want to.

All I can do is whisper a breathless, "Yes," to Jacob.

The heat in my cheeks matches the warmth building between my legs as slowly, he removes my panties, the soft material sliding down my thighs with agonizing patience.

Each touch, each glance, is a deliberate act of intimacy, making me feel cherished. Making me feel seen. Making me feel wanted by a man who's had my heart wrapped in his grip for most of my entire life.

My body sagging atop the bed, I sigh.

Jacob, in turn, leans down, placing a gentle kiss just above my mound before looking up at me, his eyes dark with desire. "Ready, Gabi?"

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