Page 28 of Secret Pucking Play

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Every glance. Every laugh. Every touch.

It's like those very things I loved about Gabi when we were kids have only amplified over time.

And I can't help but wonder if she feels the same way.

Now standing outside her suite door, I fully intend to bid her goodnight and make my exit, but somehow, my feet feel glued to the floor.

She looks at me with those green eyes, a mix of exhaustion and something else in them that makes my heartbeat quicken.

"Well, here we are," she says softly, fiddling with the room key in her hands.

"Yeah, here we are," I repeat, sounding like an idiot.

My mind is screaming at me to just say goodnight and leave, but my body won’t listen. I watch as she finally gets the door open and steps inside, and for a moment, it feels like the world tilts on its axis.

"Goodnight, Gabi," I manage to say, my voice sounding foreign to my own ears. But my legs? They refuse to move.

She turns back, her eyes searching mine. "You sure you’re okay, Jacob? You look like you’ve seen a ghost."

"Yeah." I stuff my hands into my pockets. "Just...thinking."

"Good thoughts, I hope?"

"The best." I cough. "Well, goodnight then."

But as the door begins to close, something inside me snaps, and before I know it, I’m holding the door open.

"Wait. Gabi?"

She blinks. "Yes?"

"I...I should get you a jersey with my name on it. If you're going to be my fake fiancé, you need to support the team, right?"

"The team...or you?"

"Both, I guess."

She grins. "Okay, sure. But only if you get a matching one with my name on it. Deal?"

She holds out her hand, and I look down at it. Her fingernails are painted a pale pink, and for some reason, that makes my gut tighten.

I fully plan to shake her hand and then make my grand escape. That’s the plan—simple and straightforward. But as I reach out, my hand seems to have a mind of its own. It moves past her hand and gently cups her cheek instead.

What am I doing? My brain screams to abort mission.

But my body? It clearly didn't get the memo. Instead, I find myself leaning in, closer and closer. Her eyes widen, and for a split second, I worry she might push me away or laugh it off.

But then she tilts her head just a little, her breath warm against my lips. She smells like mint and something sweeter, something uniquely Gabi. Her hands move to my shoulders, pulling me even closer, and I think I might just float away.

Suddenly, every coherent thought I had flies out the window as my lips land on hers.

Chapter 10


The moment Jacob's lips touch mine, my mind goes completely blank. Is this really happening?

One second, we’re talking about jerseys, and the next, he’s kissing me.

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