Page 27 of Secret Pucking Play

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I stop walking for a moment, turning to face her.

The streetlights cast a warm glow on her face, making her look almost ethereal.

"I don't know, Gabi. Maybe I'm a lost cause. Or maybe I just need the right person to come along."

"Or just need someone who sees through all the bravado to the real Jacob underneath."

There's a beat of silence, the air thick with unspoken words.

I muster up a smirk, hoping to shift the focus away from my predictable romantic escapades. "All right then, enough about me and my so-called infamous charm. What about you, Miss De Luca? What's going on in your love life?"

She stiffens, her playful demeanor faltering for the briefest second. "Oh, you know...just busy with work and Nonna. Not much time for anything else."

"No, seriously." I press gently. "I know you don't like to talk about him, but the father of your child...he must have messed things up for you pretty bad." I gesture to the round swell of her belly. It's only growing more pronounced as the weeks go by.

Her hand unconsciously goes to rest on her stomach. "Yeah, he did. But you know what? I don't need a man to make me happy. I have my family and my friends...and this little one."

She smiles down at her belly, a softness in her gaze that catches me off guard.

I realize then that Gabi is so much more than the tough, no-nonsense professional everyone sees. There's a vulnerability in her that she keeps hidden from most people.

Lately, I've gotten glimpses of it—little peeks behind the strong facade she shows the world. And I can't lie. A part of me wants to unravel all the layers of her and discover what lies beneath.

As we walk, I find one question burning in my mind more than all the others. I finally give in to the urge and ask.

"So, what about your dream guy? Who is he?"

She glances over, eyebrows lifting. "Jacob, you really want to know about my dream guy?"

"Hey, you've heard all about my so-called charm. It's only fair I get to know what kind of Prince Charming you're waiting for."

She lets out a sigh, swinging a curtain of her dark over her shoulder. "I'm not looking for a Prince Charming. I don't have time for that nonsense. I'm focused on more important things."

"Nah, nah, don't give me that. I know how women talk. You guys have a secret list of qualities you want in your dream guy. Mine just happens to be pretty short: alive, not a serial killer." I raise an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Come on, Gabs. Every woman has a type...a fantasy ideal of the perfect man. For instance, does he have to be a knight in shining armor?" I grin. "Maybe he could be just some dude with a steady job and a decent sense of humor?"

She laughs. "I don't know..." Her pretty brows fold together on her forehead. "He's definitely not the knight in shining armor type. They tend to be way too high maintenance. I'd rather have someone who's down-to-earth, makes me laugh, and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty."

"Ah, so a handyman with a punchline. Should be easy enough to find. I think there's a whole aisle dedicated to them at Home Depot."

"Ha, ha, very funny. But seriously, I just want someone who's genuine and laid-back. Someone who can handle my crazy schedule and understands my passion for my job." I watch her pretty face, noticing the shift in her expression as she considers my words. "And well, if we're talking fantasies here..."

I nod, swallowing. "We are."

"He'd be tall. Handsome. And most importantly, he would make me laugh. I also need someone who can keep up with my sarcastic sense of humor."

"You mean someone who's not intimidated by your razor-sharp tongue?"

She laughs, a tinkling sound that sends warmth through me. "Exactly. And he would also be passionate about something, have drive and ambition in his life." She looks at me, green eyes blinking slowly before she speaks. "And I guess...someone who is dependable, but not boring. Strong, but he doesn't have to prove it all the time. Fun, but knows when to be serious. Honest, kind, and someone who sees the real me and doesn't run away."

As she lists these qualities, a strange realization settles over me.

Gabi's ideal man sounds an awful lot like...well, me.

I clear my throat. "Well, don’t settle for anything less. You deserve every bit of happiness, you know?"

"Thanks, Jacob. Maybe there's hope for both of us yet."

We finally arrive at the hotel, and I can’t shake this growing feeling that this fake relationship is starting to feel way too real.

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