Page 26 of Secret Pucking Play

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He doesn't. Not really. And the look on his face tells me he's not buying my nonchalant routine. "You sure, Jake? You don't look too...well, enthralled."

I roll my eyes, now searching for my missing shin guards, though I know I carefully placed them in my bag earlier. "Enthralled? Who even uses that word, man?"

"Just looking out for you," he says, and there's that damn sincerity again. "I mean, it's just a pretend thing, right?"

I force a smile, finally pretending to find the elusive shin guards. "Right, just pretend. No big deal."

He claps me on the shoulder with a little more force than needed. "All right, just keep your head in the game. Don't let this...whatever it is, mess you up."

I nod, grateful for the quick end to the conversation. The laughter and noise of our teammates fill the room, providing a perfect distraction. I dive into the chaos, glad to leave Gio's quiet questions behind, at least for the moment.

I'm out of the locker room and finally free from Gio's well-meaning but relentless inquisition. I change as quickly as I can and slip out, phone in hand, to text Gabi.

"I’ll meet you around the corner. Cab's waiting," I type, then hit send.

Barely a minute later, she's sliding into the backseat beside me, her energy palpable even after the game. We exchange a quick, familiar smile before the cab starts moving.

The driver takes us through the winding streets, the stadium lights fading behind us as we head toward our hotel.

As we get close, I notice Gabi's restlessness. She’s tapping her foot and looking out the window like there’s a tiger on her tail. My concern is piqued. I turn to her with a knowing look.

"Everything all right?" I ask.

"Yeah, just.. I don't know, I need to walk," she says, her eyes scanning the street like it holds the answers to the universe.


I raise an eyebrow, but I'm already knocking on the cab window to pull over.

The driver complies, and we step out onto the sidewalk. The cool night air wraps around us, a welcome change from the sweaty intensity of the game. Gabi starts walking, her pace quick and determined despite her pregnant belly.

I smile, just watching her. "This better?" I ask.

"Much." She sighs, then grins up at me. "I needed to stretch my legs. Besides, you could use a breather too."

We continue walking, the rhythm of our steps syncopated with the quiet hum of the city at night. With each stride, I can't help but let my mind wander further and further afield.

Could there be something more between us? It's a dangerous thought, filled with possibilities and pitfalls.

Gabi glances at me, probably sensing the gears turning in my head.

"Hey, I meant to thank you for hiring that nurse for Nonna," she says, her tone gratingly casual.

"Ah." I place my hands inside the pockets of my sweatpants. "So, she told you about that?"

"Of course she did. She loves to brag about her 'sweet boy'."

"Lemme guess...I'm her sweet boy because I hired a nurse for her?"

"Pretty much." Gabi laughs.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "It was nothing, Gabi. Anything for your Nonna. Besides, she's one of the few people who actually likes me."

"True," she giggles, nudging me playfully. Then, with a mischievous glint in her eye, she adds, "So, Jacob Walker, the infamous charmer, tell me, do you ever get tired of those whirlwind romances?"

I groan, already knowing where this is headed. "Ah, come on, Gabi. You know I can't help it if women find my roguish good looks irresistible."

Her laugh is like a melody I didn't know I needed to hear tonight. "Seriously, do you think a woman could ever really trust you? A man like Jacob Walker?"

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